Danul Corason
Danul is a character played by Meriss in John Galt's Eberron PbP game on RPG.net.
- Danul Corason aka Danul Half-elven aka Danul the Bastard (played by Meriss)
- Neutral Good Male Half-Elf Rogue 3
Ability | Score | Modifier | Cost |
Strength | 12 | +1 | 4 pts. |
Dexterity | 16 | +3 | 10 pts. |
Constitution | 12 | +1 | 4 pts. |
Intelligence | 10 | 0 | 2 pts. |
Wisdom | 14 | +2 | 6 pts. |
Charisma | 14 | +2 | 6 pts. |
- Hit Points: 16
- Initiative: +3
- Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
- AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
- Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
- Base Attack Bonus: +2
- Masterwork shortspear: +4 to hit, damage 1d6+1 (piercing), critical x2
- Sickle: +3 to hit, damage 1d6+1 (slashing), critical x2
- Balance 3 ranks + 3 (DEX) = +6
- Bluff 2 ranks + 1 (CHA) = +3
- Climb 5 ranks + 1 (STR) = +6
- Decipher Script 1 rank + 0 (INT) = +1
- Disable Device 3 ranks + 0 (INT) = +3
- Escape Artist 2 ranks + 3 (DEX) = +5
- Handle Animal (cross-class) 2 ranks + 2 (CHA) = +4
- Hide 4 ranks + 3 (DEX) = +7
- Jump 4 ranks + 1 (STR) = +5
- Open Lock 5 ranks + 3 (DEX) = +8
- Perform (String Instrument) 4 ranks + 2 (CHA) = +6
- Profession (Waiter) 2 ranks + 2 (WIS) = +4
- Search 7 ranks + 1 (race) = +8
- Tumble 1 rank + 3 (DEX) = +4
- Use Rope 1 rank + 3 (DEX) = +4
Languages: Common, Elven
- Dodge
- ?
Race Features
- Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
- Low-Light Vision
- +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
- +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
- Elven Blood
Class Features
- Sneak Attack 2d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
- Masterwork shortspear (3 lb.)
- Sickle (2 lb.)
- Studded leather armor (20 lb.)
- Explorer’s outfit
- Backpack
- Tindertwigs x 10
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds
- Flint and steel
- Bedroll
- Thieves’ tools
- Common Lute
- Torch x10
- Pipeweed x5
- Grappling hook
- Rope, hempen (50 ft.)
- Small Pipe
- Identification papers
? gp (? lb.)
Total weight carried: ? (light encumbrance)