Hui Xi

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Revision as of 07:32, 15 February 2008 by Bmsattler (talk | contribs)
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Decended from Hui Xi, Ping is very confident in herself

Glorious recruiter for his family, Hui Xi forged the Xi Clan with his magnificent kung fu. Fighting the rebel Chang CHio, he died in a blaze of glory, and his clan with him! Scattered to the winds, the remaining embittered clan members keep their knowledge closely to themselves, until his decendant Ho Xi re-founds the Clan- leading it to prominence, driving back the invaders and taking their riches.

3 destiny- Victory: If you decend from Hui Xi, you have a legendary ability to make alliances. Once during the game, you can display dazzling diplomatic skill, assembling a large coalition under your banner. You might send out hero-invitations and gather a collection of heroes; unify three Clans temporarily under your leadership; or convince the courtiers of Emperor Hu to set aside their squabbles and advise their lord with one voice - yours. You choose the timing and general nature of this effect, but the Game Master chooses the scope.

  • Bonus: if you decend from Hui Xi, you can increase your Confidence skill to 6.

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