Iron Fists Style

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This is one of the styles that has been modified to reflect some of the Nihao Honey-verse house rules.

One of the hardest-hitting styles known!

1) Living Weapon:

Using this technique makes your fists impact like tenfold. Some say it's enough to keep up with the Xi Clan's famed Weapons of the Gods!

  • Add your Jade Chi Modifier to your Damage.
  • Add 4 extra damage dice on a hit.
  • Do not suffer damage from using your hands.

3) Rainbow-Stunning Strike:

An attack so powerful it makes even dragons and demons reel!

  • A target struck with this technique suffers Breath Loss for all five colors this round.
  • Add your Jade Chi Modifier to your Strike for your attack.

4) Scattering Legions:

Once enemies have learned not to underestimate the bare hands of the Bei Clan, a common response is to attack from all sides with many people. A dire mistake!

  • Make an Area attack out to your Jade chi rating in yards.
  • Triple your result dice against Minions.
  • Channel Jade chi for extra damage dice on a 1:1 basis (also knocks out 3 more minions).

5) Breathtaker: The pinnacle of the style, more than one famous warrior has been reduced to nothingness by this ultimate technique!

  • Ignore up to 15 points of armor
  • Inflict profound Chi Flow Loss if your target takes any damage. This means he no longer regains

chi in any of his five elements until all damage from this attack is healed.

  • You may not take a secondary attack in the round you use Breathtaker.

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