Zip Chik

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Back to 2012 The Next Wave Crests PBP


  • Madison Stone aka "Zip Chick"
  • PL 10; 160PP


Concept: Geek Girl Speedster

Madison is an athletic 15 year old girl with dyed black hair. She embraces the 'girl geek' title and is a fan of any sort of pop culture trend. She's read every fantasy novel in every bookstore, but frequently finds herself confused when trying to recall plots and characters from books read at superspeed.

As "Zip Chik", Madison wears a white trenchcoat, running shoes, and a domino mask, keeping her hair back in tight braids.


More or less your average teenage fantasy fan, Madison developed superspeed a few months ago. As near as she can determine, her body has been transformed partially to energy. Thus she can selectively ignore inertia and motion when traveling at incredible speeds, project concussive energy when she punches someone, heal more quickly, more easily withstand damage, and even transform to an incorporeal state to pass through solid objects. (Of course, she's no scientist. Or even any sort of expert.)

Possibly her strangest ability is to create false-matter duplicates of herself. She calls them her "echoes" and can sustain up to 5 of them at one time. Each is not quite "real" and considerably less powerful than Zip Chik herself, but she maintains a mental link with them and can be on scene to back up an Echo very, very quickly.

After developing her abilities, Madison put together a costume and started going 'on patrol'. Actually finding crimes and/or disasters in progress proved somewhat more difficult than she anticipated, but with up to six of her all moving at incredible speeds she can be... well, if not "everywhere" then certainly a lot of places at once.

Madison is used to being ignored by her parents, but even so, they would never have given her permission to come to DragonCon. So she didn't ask. She left an echo at home to cover her absence (running back to her bed when she needs to snag a few hours sleep).

Madison is Gabriel's little sister and they have puzzled together over the mysterious abilities they have developed.



  • STR 10
  • DEX 14
  • CON 16
  • INT 10
  • WIS 12
  • CHA 12
  • (14PP)


  • Attack: +15 Strike (DC 20 damage)
  • Defense: 27 (13 flatfooted)
  • Initiative +42
  • Toughness: +3 (+3 Con)
  • Fort: +4 (1 + 3 Con)
  • Reflex: +14 (12 + 2 Dex)
  • Will: +6 (5 + 1 Wis)
  • Base Attack +5

--Enhanced Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 10

  • Base Defense: +4

--Enhanced Feats: Dodge Focus 13

  • (59PP)
  • Note: Madison's body has been slightly enhanced to better endure the rigors of high speed. Her Attack Focus and Dodge Focus feats are explicitly superpowers; products of her speed. With her enhanced reactions, it's trivial to hit and dodge opponents who seem like virtual statues.


  • Acrobatics +7 (5 ranks, 2 dex)
  • Knowledge (Pop Culture) +5 (5 ranks)
  • Notice +7 (6 ranks, +1 wis)
  • Search +5 (5 ranks)
  • Sense Motive +4 (3 ranks, +1 wis)
  • (6PP)


  • Elusive Target
  • Evasion 2
  • Move-by Action
  • Power Attack
  • Uncanny Dodge (Sight)
  • (6PP)


  • Superspeed 10

--PF: Insubstantial --PF: Rapid Attack --PF: Wall Run --PF: Water Run --PF: AP - Air Control

  • Regeneration 5

--Rate (Bruised) 1; Rate (Injured/Staggered) 2; Rate (Disabled) 2

  • Strike 5
  • Duplication 4

--PF: Mental Link --PF: Progression 2

  • (75 PP)
  • 14 + 59 + 6 + 6 + 75 = 160PP



  • STR 10
  • DEX 14
  • CON 14
  • INT 10
  • WIS 10
  • CHA 10
  • (8PP)


  • Attack: +8 Melee (DC 15 save

--Base Attack: 0; Power Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 8

  • Defense: 16 (10 flatfooted)

--Base Defense: +0; Power Feat: Dodge Focus 6

  • Initiative +26
  • Toughness: +2 (+2 Con)
  • Fort: +2 (+2 Con)
  • Reflex: +4 (2 + 2 Dex)
  • Will: +0 (+0 Wis)
  • 16PP


  • Acrobatics +6 (4 ranks + 2 dex)
  • Knowledge (Pop Culture) +5 (5 ranks)
  • Notice +5 (5 ranks)
  • Search +6 (6 ranks)
  • 5PP


  • Move-by Action
  • 1PP


  • Superspeed 6

--PF: Rapid Attack

  • 30PP
  • 8 + 16 + 5 + 1 + 30 = 60PP