Four Kicks Down

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Four Kicks Down

"Then there's the Devil-King's right hand man who seems to dance rather than walk out of the gate. He's got earplugs in that pump the latest asian underground sound into his skull, and he never stands still. Always hopping on his feet or twitching with his fingers on the beat. He also wears a bucket hat and shades with bright neon- orange glasses that make him look like some exotic bug that lights up in the dark. Dervish knows he's called Four Kicks Down, because nobody's ever managed to stand up long enough for a fifth one."

-Belphanior, NH2 post #134

Four Kicks Down was a member of the Iron Winged Devils, a gang led by the defiant Devil King. As an assignment by the recently established Black Crane School, Iron Seraph, Zero and Red Star Dervish confronted the Devils with a basic "join us or cease and desist with the beating people up shit, yo". Predictably, a confrontation ensued during which Four Kicks got beat up and his headphones cut to pieces by Seraph.

After the Devil King´s demise (and his implied fall due to manipulation from RAIN), Four Kicks joined up with the Black Crane.

Appearances: Nihao Honey 2