Characters:Seamus O'Reilly

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Character Sheet
Type Source Permissions
Last Best Hope Talent Psi Super
Intrinsics: Willpower Contest, No Willpower No Way 0

Body Coordination Sense
2d 2d 3d
Brains Command Cool
2d 2d 3d
Base Will/Willpower: 4/6 72

Skill Dice Skill Dice Skill Dice
Bluff 2d Brawling 4d Endurance 3d
Intimidation 2d Lie 2d Occult 2d 30

Miracles Qualities Levels Extras / Flaws / Notes
Regeneration [DRU] 3 Levels Automatic; Hardened [4] (increases recovery to 3S2K/round); No Physical Change 58


Seamus O'Reilly was created by Paul Goodrich, and is a character from The Last Best Hope.

No physical change does not normally apply to level based powers. In this particular instance we are interpreting it as creating a zombie like condition where, while the character recovers his health levels and continues to function fully, his wounds do not close or disappear.

The math on this ability is a little weird so let me spell it out:

Regeneration [DRU] is eight points per level.

Automatic, included in the description of the miracle in the book and the only viable means of making a regenerating character, doubles the cost of the miracle to 16.

No physical change reduces the cost by two, bringing the final cost per level to 14 points.

Hardened increases the effectiveness of the ability without increasing its level. Hardened is calculated after the per level cost, but is still affected by automatic. Each level of hardened is therefor four points.

Regeneration by itself only recovers shock damage, not killing; so it is necessary to buy at least two levels of hardened for it to increase its effectiveness to a point where it is recovering killing damage.