Vanguard Thom Deepholm

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Back to Against the Giants 4e

Created by Zeiram

Vanguard Thom Deepholm

Dwarf Fighter 13 (Iron Vanguard)

Thom's father was a fighter. His grandfather was a fighter. His great-grandfather was a smithy, but that's beside the point. The giants and goblinoids and orcs have menaced the dwarves of late, as well as the other Gyri races, and Thom feels it is time to do his part to even the score. The dwarf wields a magic hammer forged by his great-grandfather, and believes that it and his martial prowess will carry the day. In actuality, Thom sometimes overestimates his abilities and is dependent on his companions to aid him much as he defends them most of the time.

Ability Scores

  • Strength 19 (+4)
  • Constitution 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity 14 (+2)
  • Intelligence 11 (+0)
  • Wisdom 16 (+3)
  • Charisma 12 (+1)


  • Hit Points - 105

Bloodied - 52

  • Healing Surges - 15/day

Healing Surge Amount - 30 (26+4)

  • Speed - 5/7


  • AC - 26
  • Fort - 25
  • Reflex - 21
  • Will - 22


  • Acrobatics = 10
  • Arcana = 6
  • Athletics = 17 (Trained)
  • Bluff = 7
  • Diplomacy = 7
  • Dungeoneering = 16 (Trained)
  • Endurance = 17 (Trained)
  • Heal = 9
  • History = 6
  • Insight = 11
  • Intimidate = 12 (Trained)
  • Nature = 9
  • Perception = 11
  • Religion = 6
  • Stealth = 8
  • Streetwise = 7
  • Thievery = 8


  • Dodge Giants - +1 to AC and Reflex defense against Large and larger foes.
  • Dwarven Weapon Training - You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with axes and hammers.
  • Power Attack - When making a melee attack, you can take a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you gain a +4 bonus to the damage roll (or a +6 bonus to the damage roll with a two-handed weapon).
  • Quick Draw - Can draw an item as part of the action required to use it, +2 to initiative checks
  • Combat Anticipation - You gain a +1 feat bonus to all defenses against ranged, area, and close attacks.
  • Dwarven Durability - Increase your number of healing surges by two and your healing surge value by your Constitution modifier.
  • Hammer Rhythm - If you miss with a melee attack with a hammer or a mace and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to your original target equal to your Constitution modifier.
  • Warrior of the Mountain - Skill Training: Dungeoneering. Once per encounter, you can use the ranger's Hunter's Quarry class feature. The target you designate as your quarry remains your quarry until the end of your next turn.


At Will

  • Cleave
  • Sure Strike


  • Crushing Blow
  • Come and Get It
  • Anvil of Doom
  • Frontline Surge
  • Hunter's Quarry


  • Brute Strike
  • Crack the Shell
  • Shift the Battlefield


  • Boundless Endurance
  • Unbreakable
  • Into the Fray
  • Inexorable Shift

Class Features

  • Combat Challenge
  • Combat Superiority (+3)
  • Fighter Weapon Talent (two-handed weapons)
  • Armour Proficencies - Leather, hide, chainmail, scale, light shields, heavy shields, cloth
  • Weapon Proficiencies - Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged
  • Enduring Warrior - When you drop an enemy to 0 hit points or fewer, you regain 4 hit points.
  • Ferocious Reaction - When you are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, as an immediate interrupt before you fall unconscious, you can spend an action point to take an extra action. In addition, whenever you spend an action point to take an extra action, you also gain a +4 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

Racial Features

  • +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Endurance
  • Cast-Iron Stomach - +5 Racial Bonus on Saving Throws against Poison
  • Dwarven Resilience - Second Wind is a minor action
  • Dwarven Weapon Proficiency - Gain prof. with throwing hammer and warhammer.
  • Encumbered Speed - You move at your normal speed even when it would normally be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magical effects) affect you normally.
  • Stand Your Ground - When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make an immediate saving throw to avoid falling prone.


  • Common
  • Dwarven


  • +3 Frost Maul
  • +2 Thunderburst Throwing Hammer
  • +1 Flaming Throwing Hammer
  • +3 Hydra Armor
  • Amulet of Protection +3

  • Greaves of Maldeen
  • Dynamic Belt +2
  • Diadem of Acuity
  • Bracers of Mighty Striking +2
  • Gloves of Piercing

  • Rope of Climbing
  • Bag of Holding
  • Everlasting Provisions
  • Pot of Vitality (2)

  • Standard Adventurer's Kit
  • Everburning Torch
  • Climber's Kit

Leftover Gold: 1733/2533