Captain Cordillia Thorn
Back to Against the Giants 4e
Created RobertEdwards
Cordillia Thorn, called the Prim or Primrose
Half Elf Warlord / Battle Captain, 13th level 39,000 XP
Back Ground
A knight ran out of the Great Kingdom, who does not ever intend to return. She was too goody goody for the GK. She's trained to be highly disciplined and carefully plans alternatives -- then makes up new alternatives as she goes along. Bit of a stiff necked crank socially. Keeps a journal and secretly writes (awful) love poetry.
Cordillia has almond-shaped eyes the color of blooming violets. Her wavy brown hair is waist-length and is worn in elaborate formal curls and bangs. She is slightly taller than average. Her skin is almond. Her wardrobe is utilitarian, but decorative. She is fond of blue and white garments, armor, and gear.
Her human mother Carmillia seduced her father after her husband died childless. Cordillia's birth was entirely to spite Camillia's mother-in-law. Cordillia kept the manor. Cordy was largely raised by Carm's father, Jorge Strongthorn the Stout, a champion (paladin) of Kord.
When doing equipment remember Cordilla with need several nice dresses with matching shoez and parasols. She likes blue and dove gray. Long flowing skirts to conceal her footwork while fencing.
And a maid.
- Strength 18/+4
- Dexterity 12/+1=
- Constitution 16/+3
- Intelligence 14/+2
- Wisdom 12/+1
- Charisma 18/+4
Hit Points - 88 = 12+16 + (5x12) Bloodied - 44 Healing Surges - 10/day
AC - Unequipped is +2(Int) +6 Fortitude - +4(Str) +6 Reflex - +2 (Int) +6 Will - +4 (Cha) +6
- Acrobatics = 9
- Arcana = 10
- Athletics = 15
- Bluff = 12
- Diplomacy = 17
- Dungeonering = 9
- Endurance = 11
- Heal = 12
- History = 10
- Insight = 15
- Intimidate = 15
- Nature = 9
- Perception = 9
- Religion = 10
- Stealth = 9
- Streetwise = 12
- Thievery = 9
- Inspired Recovery (Improves Warlord ability)
- Weapon Focus: Sword (can hit harder)
- Armor Proficiency: Scale (Can wear better armor)
- Action Surge (This is a Human feat, available to her as a half elf, it gives her more buffs)
- Linguist (Added Giant, Dwarven, and Draconic to base Common, Elven, and Goblin).
- Jack of All Trades (Halfway trains her untrained skills)
- Combat Commander (Paragon -- improves Warlord/Battle Captain ability)
- Danger Sense (Roll twice for Initiative, take best result.)
At Will
- Furious Strike,
- Wolf Pack Tactics
- Bolstering Strike (Dil. Paladin At Will 1)
- Inspiring War Cry
- Lion's Roar
- Force Retreat (Battle Captain)
- Denying Smite
- Lead The Attack
- Stand The Fallen
- Knock Them Down
- Shake It Off
- Quick Step
- Defensive Rally
- Bolt of Genius (Battle Captain)
Class Features
- Combat Leader (+2 to Initiative for her and all allies who see and hear her within 10 squares)
- Inspiring Presence
- Inspiring Word Power (twice per Encounter, heals her and allies 3d6 in 10 sq burst)
Battle Captain:
- Battle Action
- Cry Havoc
Racial Features
Carmillia is 5 ft 8 inches (or 172 cm) and weighs 143 lbs (or 65 KG) (High Str and Con, you dig?) This is size medium.
She moves at speed 6 Squares. (-1 for scale armor).
She has low light vision. She speaks, reads, and writes Common, Elven, and Goblin.
She has +2 with Diplomacy and Insight (included in skills) grants a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy to all allies within 10 squares.
She has a Dilettante Power from a class other than Warlock. (Bolstering Strike Paladin Attack 1 page 92)
She can take both Elven and Human racial feats, and generally counts as either when ever it is to her advantage.
Magic Items & Stuff
By Level:
2: Belt of Vigor 5: 5: Gauntlets of Ogre Power 8: Frost +2 Weapon (Battleax) 9: Helm of Battle 9: Cloak of Survival 10: Handy Haversack 12: +3 Dwarven Scale 13: Shield of Protection painted with her colors 16: +4 Weapon (Longsword)
& 14,000 of other stuff. Including:
- aformentioned Maid (Left back somewhere safe),
- Footman (Ditto),
- nice outfits, matching shoes and jewelery
- Field uniforms, boots, change of undies
- naughty outfit for her wedding night
- Toiletries and cosmetics
- knitting bag,
- V. Secret Diary with a fiendishly clever lock,
- flag with her arms (Roses: red, white, pink, yellow, and black on a Blue Field)
- horses and tack
- Adventures Kit
- Crossbow & a couple dozen bolts
- Concealed Daggers as per John Carter, Warlord of Mars game
Design Notes
Cordy is an inspirational leader; If she was running around today she'd be a cheerleader turned motivational speaker. Half Elf charisma boost works well for this.
Stats: I've spread out her advancements with these priorities: Strength was 16 for primary attacks (hit monster with sword or ax) Ends up at 18 which is about the best I can do. Charisma was 14 for Inspired Warlord stuff. Also ends up 18. Constitution was 13 for hitpoints and all around toughness and endurance. Ends up at 16, which seems pretty good Intelligence was 12 for better armor class, secondary Warlord stuff and skills. Ends up at 14 Wisdom is useful for healing Skills -- starts as a dump stat at 10 then improved using advancements to 12. Dex was 11 advanced to a 12.
Stat Modifiers / Advancements
1/2 Elf +2 Con, +2 Cha
4th Strength, Charisma both +1
8th Intelligence, Wisdom Both +1
11th All +1
Skills: Trained in Athletics, Diplomacy, Heal, and Intimidate. Considered taking Endurance rather than Heal, but that seemed more useful to the rest of the party. Being leader has it's responsibilities. Also considered taking History rather than Diplomacy, but you gotta play to your strengths.
In the end, I took the Jack of All Trades feat which evened up her skills considerable. Focus on Diplomacy might have been better, but I've had another character that took cruel advantage of the Diplomacy skill. I justify Jack of all Trades by Figuring she's helped a lot of people do their best with aid and general cheerleading. She's picked up many things along the way.
Level Advancements 1: One Feat, 2 At Will attack, 1 encounter attack, 1 Daily attack (W: Furious Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics E: Replaced) D: Lead The Attack 2: 1 Feat, 1 Utility (Shake It Off) 3: 1 Encounter Attack Power (Inspiring War Cry) 4: 1 feat 5: 1 Daily (Stand The Fallen) 6: 1 Feat, 1 Utility (Quick Step) 7: 1 Encounter (Lion's Roar) 8: 1 feat 9: 1 Daily attack (Knock Them Down) 10: 1 Feat, 1 Utility (Defensive Rally) PARAGON 11: 1 Feat 1 Paragon Path Encounter Power (Force Retreat) 12: 1 Paragon Path Utility Power (Bolt of Genius) 13: REPLACE 1 Encounter attack Power (Denying Smite replaces Guarding Attack)