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Real Name: Samuel Prospero
Identity: Vice
Origin: Accident
Power Source: Psionics, Brain region Ipsilateral Ocipital Lobe, area 532.
History: Samuel Prospero's botched brain surgery for severe epilepsy activated several dormant brain regions. There was a bizarre series of events right after he regained consciousness post-surgery, the events of which he cannot fully recall. A doctor and three nurses had to seek psychiatric care for over 2 months. After the incident FISH quickly scooped up Sam and his doctor Anthony Finn, a man inexplicably immune to Prospero's influences. After over a year of recovery Sam could exert fine control and focus with his rather disconcerting powers. A sudden attack on the facility where he was being housed by a group of metahumans known as the Wickermen caused the amnesiac to realize their was darkness in the world. Instilled with only very naive ideals of good, Sam knew his duty. Prospero, using the villains' own minds against them, repelled the attack. FISH, seeing his potential and also being harangued by Finn to be able to do some good in the world, he was assigned to the newly forming cell. Pretty much all the action he has seen has been hushed up for internal security.No knowledge of life before surgery other than his name.
Personality: Idealist, Quiet
Heroic Motivation: "Until I find out who I am, I can only do what I think is right with my gifts."
First Appearance: Volume #1, Issue #1 Crisis at Crusaders’ Tower
PL: 8
- Power Points: 120
- Hero Points: 1
- Trade-Offs: +0/-0 Attack/DC Save Modifier; -1/+1 Defense/Toughness
- Strength: 10 [+0]
- Dexterity: 10 [+0]
- Constitution: 20 [+5]
- Intelligence: 18 [+4]
- Wisdom: 18 [+4]
- Charisma: 10 [+0]
- Initiative: 1
- Attack Bonus: +6 (Melee +6/Ranged: +6)
- Defense Bonus: 17 (Flat-Footed: 14)
- Toughness: +9 (Con Bonus +5, Tactical Vest +3, Protection Rank 1)
- Fortitude: +5
- Reflex: +3
- Will: +10
- Acrobatics 4 (+5)
- Bluff 12 (+12)
- Climb (+0)
- Concentration 4 (+8)
- Diplomacy (+0)
- Disguise 12 (+12)
- Escape Artist 4 (+5)
- Gather Info 4 (+4)
- Handle Animal (+0)
- Intimidate (+0)
- Notice 8 (+12)
- Search 4 (+8)
- Sense Motive 12 (+16)
- Stealth (+1)
- Survival (+4)
- Swim (+0)
- Equipment- Tactical Vest, Night Vision goggles
- Nemesis 3, Phantasms
- Illusion 5, Visual and Auditory, Phantasms, Subtle
- Alternate Power - Emotion Control 8, Limited-Fear, Subtle x2, Mind Blank
- Morph 2, Any form of similar mass, Phantasms
- Protection 1
- Tactical Vest
- Night Vision goggles