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Project Vigilance PbP game stuff

World of Project VIGILANCE Factbook

Character Sheet Format

  • What – M&M 2nd ed. Superheroes game, based somewhat on my old Villains and Vigilantes game setting. I would use some/many of the Villains and Vigilantes villains and heroes (like the Crusaders, and the Crushers, the Protectors, the Centurions, FORCE, V.I.L.E., the Destroyers, Doctor Apocalypse, etc) along with a lot of original ones.
  • Style – Modern Day Supers setting, with a mix of ‘campy’ heroes and villains but a bit more lethal/realistic(?). Powers and all Weapons that do not specially say that they do ‘Bruise’ damage now default to Lethal damage and any Strength/Unarmed Attacks do Bruised damage only up to Human levels (Strength 25 or lower) or if you total Strength Bonus plus Super-Strength levels are +7 or lower. It requires a Power Stunt too allow a power, weapon and/or super-strength to be either Bruise or Lethal (then the player can choice each time the power is used what type of damage they with to deal).
  • Power Level – PL 8, Power Points: 120 (Trade-Offs maximum +4/-4). Should have at least 2 Complications listed also. Try to limit the number of Drawbacks though (not really going to set a limit, just try not to take too many without a good reason).
  • Very Basic Setting Info – the year is now, the history is very similar to our own, with superheroes making their public appearance during WWI and WWII, fading out during the 50’s and 60’s and returning in a big way in the late 60’s and early 70’s. There is a great deal of ‘super-technology’ out there but it is too expensive to really trickle down to the ‘masses’ and does not affect their everyday lives to much. There are exceptions of course - most notably the Seattle Space Needle Elevator, etc. See the world Factbook for more information on this and other changes to the world...