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Real Name: Alexander Colt
Identity: Government Secret
Origin: A childhood spent honing his natural aptitude with his grandfather.
Power Source:Natural Talent and Training
History: Raised by his grandfather, a gunsmith, in Texas until the age of 18 when he ventured abroad. Worked as a mercenary with a cowboy theme under the name The Gunman. Returned home at 22 to tend to a sick grandfather who managed to stir a noble impulse or two in Alex. Shortly after his grandfather's recovery, our hero signed on with the government, and has thrown himself into the role wholeheartedly. Now sporting the classic black suit and shades and going by The G-man, Alex serves the team as both government liason and expert marksman.
Personality: Dedicated, Charming, and Confident
Heroic Motivation: Grand Father’s influence, patriotism
First Appearance: Volume #1, Issue #1 Crisis at Crusaders’ Tower
PL: 8
- Power Points: 120
- Hero Points: 1
- Trade-Offs: none
- Strength: 10 [+0]
- Dexterity: 16 [+3]
- Constitution: 16 [+3]
- Intelligence: 14 [+2]
- Wisdom: 10 [+0]
- Charisma: 18 [+4]
- Initiative: +15
- Attack Bonus: +1 (Melee +1/Ranged: +1)
- Defense Bonus: 18 (Flat-Footed: 11)
- Toughness: +8
- Fortitude: +4
- Reflex: +8
- Will: +8
- Bluff 13 (+17)
- Computers 13 (+13)
- Craft 13 (+13)(Gunsmith)
- Diplomacy 13 (+17)
- Disable Device 11 (+11)
- Gather Info 13 (+17)
- Intimidate 13 (+17)
- Notice 13 (+13)
- Profession 10 (+10) (Agent of FISH)
- Sense Motive 13 (+17)
- Sleight of Hand 7 (+10)
- Benefit (Security Clearance)
- Connected
- Contacts
- Dodge Focusx7
- Equipment
- Improved Initiative x3
- Well-Informed
- Skill Mastery (Computer, Disable Device, Gather Information, Craft)
- Wealth x2 (From Profession)
- Blast (Extras: Area (Shapeable), Range)(Flaws: Limited [With Guns Only]): 8(Power Feats: Progressionx3, Innate, Alternate Power)
- AP: Blast (Extras: Penetrating, Range) (Flaws: Limited[With Guns Only]): 8 (PF: Innate)(Linked: Extended Sense: Sight, Accurate Sense: Hearing)
- Tactical Vest (subtle)
- Fame/Reputation: Alex is well known for his abilities and exploits among the mercenary, intelligence, and military community.
- Enemy/Rival: Kuang Ao Long- Alex’s opposite in many ways, their rivalry began when Alex was still working as a mercenary with the two often finding themselves on opposite sides of conflicts. It is rumored that Long, a peerless martial artist, has since taken on a position with the Chinese government.
- Complicated Past: Occassionally problems be they enemies, damning revelations, or the guilt inducing results of some past actions from Alexander’s days as The Gunman crop up.
- Responsibility: As an actual agent of FISH, his duties to the organization can sometimes be a burden.