Free Software
Free software on the Web related to gaming.
Character Generators
- ANATHEMA - A character generator for Exalted
- Byakhee - generate BRP System characters for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green.
- DC Character Builder - for Mayfair's DC Heroes RPG.
- EdExalted - A character generator for Exalted
- EdX - character generator for Tri-Stat dX
- The Keep - GM assistant, calendar, campaign-log for Call of Cthulhu, supports Byakhee 3.
- PCGen - D20 System character generator.
- Redblade 3.5e - freeware character generator & bare-bones die roller for D&D v3.5 & similar games
- Rolemaster character generator - java application for Rolemaster fantasy
- GURPS character sheet - freeware character generator for GURPS 4e. Java-Application
- Marvel Super Heroes Character Generator - Freeware character generation and die-rolling software for Marvel Super Heroes.
Other Useful Software
- Everchanging Book of Names - a random name generator for many cultures, real and otherwise.
- Hero Machine - generates pictures of RPG characters and NPCs.
- Role Playing Tools - Online gaming tabletop. Chat, token/mini creation, dice tools, map sharing, scriptable. Open Source, Java, Free!
- TheDarkTools - campaign and character organizer for the original World of Darkness setting.
- Inspiration Pad Pro - Free random generator that uses text files so you can create your own tables. Easy and customizable. Win, Linux, CGI for web publishing.
- DiceMage - One of the most useful things for running a game - a PC-based Dice Roller.
- NameMage - Either use the included name sets, or create your own. It's a great program when in a bind.
- "Dungeons & Dragons" Dice Roller - Don't let the name fool you, this program is anything but D&D-centric. It includes one capability DiceMage doesn't - the ability to create a custom dX. Ever needed to decide between 15 things? You can! Good luck, good gaming!