Game 0.0
- 04-May-2518: Various repairs to ship, TBA
- 29-May-2518: Reinforced reactor containment field
Game 1.0 Bat Out Of Hell
- 01-Jun-2518: Ships transponder beacon disengaged to shut off automatic transmission
- 01-Jun-2518: Ships transponder beacon reengaged to automatically transmit
- 01-Jun-2518: Lock controls for gun locker; partial bypass, later restored to normal condition
- 03-Jun-2518: gun taped inside atmo vent, upper deck, midships corridor, portside, aft of portside head
- 04-Jun-2518: Bilge filters replaced
- 05-Jun-2518: front portside container detach controls; upper deck; modified to bypass remote detach from the bridge; now set to manual detach procedure
Game 2.0 A-Team
- 10-Jun-2518: Remote engine start-up board; installed on bridge for duration of caper
Game 3.0 Summer’s Gift
- 14-Jun-2518: Purchase of Ball Bearings for the Grav Rotor; 10 credits; source of purchase: Paquin
- 14-Jun-2518: Installation of Ball Bearings for the Grav Rotor
- 04-Jul-2518: Pulse Beacon Data reformatted; ship name: Maddy's Gambit, owner name: Hope Taswell
- 04-Jul-2518: Pulse Beacon Data reformatted during legal transfer of ownership; ship name: Summer's Gift, co-owners' names: Nika Earhardt, Christian Edge, Marina Kseniya Sebastien, Arden689; recorded and notarized: Lucifer's Landing, Orphan, Angel, Kalidassa (Xuan Wu) System
Game 4.0 Racing the Clock
- 06-Jul-2518: Rina modifies the engines to get more thrust. There’s damage, as yet unspecified that she will have to repair.
- 06-Jul-2518: Late on the same day, she repairs the interior damage. Exterior damage to the ship cannot be repaired while we are travelling on pulse. We will have to wait until we come out of pulse to make external repairs.
Game 5.0 Volatility
- 07-Jul-2518: Further investigation reveals our ventral trim vanes are damaged. Rina cannot go out in a suit while the ship is traveling on pulse to repair them--doing so is tantamount to a death sentence. She will have to wait til we kiss dirt or go to dry dock to make repairs.
- 07-Jul-2518: Repairs of the damage are made by a ship repair crew, in trade for services rendered to client. The repairs take a couple of days to complete
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