Xia: Dog Tooth and Little Sister
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: The Gang -> Xia: Dog Tooth and Little Sister
Who are you?
I am Dog Tooth. I live up here on the mountain in my cave, and I protect little sister from the bad men.
Uh... Little Sister?
This here is Little Sister.
Doesn't say much, does she?
She's the quiet type.
What do you look like?
I am an old man now, seventy seven years old. I haven't had company for some time, so my clothes and beard are dirty, and my face unwashed.
What do you want?
I want to protect little sister.
- Physical 3
- Mental 1
- Social 1
- Heaven 3
- Fire 3
- Wind 2
- Thunder 2
- Earth 4
- Water 4
- Mist 3
- Mountain 4
Chi Pools
- Yang Chi 10
- Yin Chi 15
Resilience Pools
- Physical Resilience 22
- Mental Resilience 14
- Social Resilience 14
Kung Fu Secrets
- Stance of the Protector Dog
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Twelve Zodiac Stances
- Strike of Celestial Perfection
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- Flow of Endless Movement
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- The Mountain Does Not Move
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- Strength in Madness
Shen Secret from sheet Xia: Broken Mirror
- Insight of the Deranged
Shen Secret from sheet Xia: Broken Mirror
- New Personality
Shen Secret from sheet Xia: Broken Mirror
XP total spent
14 XP.
Design Notes
This NPC was made for my own campaign, as a Xia that the character's could potentially learn the rare Stance of the Protector Dog from.
It's worth noting that Dog Tooth isn't "all there" in the head, and that Little Sister isn't a person as such.
To see this NPC in action, visit the [Actual Play Thread] and see posts XX onwards.