Xia: Flame Tide
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: The Gang -> Xia: Flame Tide
Who are you?
I am Flame Tide, martial arts duellist extraordinaire. I bet you I can beat you in a duel!
What do you look like?
I have dyed my hair red and shaped it into spikes, to reflect the fire in my soul. I wear only red martial arts robes, but am bare chested so you can see my magnificent flame tattooes!
What do you want?
To prove myself strongest in duels!
- Physical 3
- Mental 1
- Social 2
- Heaven 5
- Fire 3
- Wind 3
- Thunder 5
- Earth 2
- Water 1
- Mist 2
- Mountain 1
Chi Pools
- Yang Chi 20
- Yin Chi 6
Resilience Pools
- Physical Resilience 13
- Mental Resilience 11
- Social Resilience 12
Kung Fu Secrets
- Stance of the Furious Boar
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Twelve Zodiac Stances
- Principle of Yang Mastery
Inner Mastery from sheet Xia: The Way of Cultivated Chi
- Strike of Celestial Perfection
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- Furious Inner Power Technique
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- No Shadow Strike
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- Flow of Endless Movement
Wushu Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
- Magnificent Flame Tattooes
Designed using Xia: Quality items.
Limitations: Fully bound destiny (0pts); Only works when uninjured (5pts); Cursed to never learn defensive techniques (5pts);
Benefits: +3 physical Power (15 pts).
XP total spent
13 XP.
Design Notes
This NPC was made for my own campaign, as a Xia that the characters could potentially learn the rare Stance of the Furious Boar from. He's the very definition of a glass cannon, but in a duel he can potentially beat down an opponent before they have a chance to act!
To see this NPC in action, visit the [Actual Play Thread] and see posts XX onwards.