Dnd the army campaign Tom Bombadil

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Tom grew up in the far east as an spy. He was trained with the best fighters of the lands and fought many war’s to protect his village. Tom himself never was much of a fighter but his ability to confuse his enemies with illusions and discuses made him an useful pawn to his superiors. Furthermore Tom always was able to get the best out of people. With only an few instructions he could help even most clumsy fighter move silently to ambush the enemy. It was only recently that he found a way to channel his arcane knowledge and his inner power to make an direct attack. The energy released in this attack is neither good or bad, it is just pure energy.



  • Name: Private Tom Bombadil
  • Class: Costume (arcane ninja)/Nosomatic Chirurgeon
  • Level: 7
  • Race stronghard hafling
  • HD: 1d8
  • speed: 20 feet.
  • Type: humanoid
  • Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Move Silently and Listen checks.
  • Languages (spoken): Commen, Aquan (water ), Ignan (fire ), Terran (Xorns and other earth-based creatures), Auran ( air), Infernal, Celestial, Halfling
  • Languages (written): Commen, Elven , Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, Celestial, Halfling
  • initiative: +8
  • Hitpoints: 53


  • Str .10 +0
  • Dex .16 +3
  • Con .14 +2
  • Int .20 +5
  • Wis .12 +1
  • Cha .20 +5

  • Fort +15 (+16 vs disease)
  • Ref +14
  • Will +11

  • AC: 19 (24 with towershield)
  • Bab: +3


  • melee: light hammer +3 melee (1d4)
  • ranged: light trowing hammer +6 ranged (1d4)



Full description

Invocations (SP)

  • Spell-like ability as standard action.
  • Times per day / unlimited
  • DC: 10+ the equivalent spell level + Cha modifier
  • Concentration check to avoid OA or disruption like spells
  • Subject to spell resistance
  • Dismissing invocation is standard action
  • Subject to arcane spell failure chance


Evasion (Ex)

  • Reflex save for no damage instead of half damage. Light armor or light load only


Lay on Hands (Su)

  • Standard action
  • Total amount cha mod x class level
  • Healing may be divided on multiple uses
  • Can be used to attack undead as melee touch attack.
  • Amount of damage decided after successful touch


Brains over Brawn (EX)

  • You gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strenght or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climp and Jump.


Touch of Vitality (Su)

  • Standard action
  • Total amount cha mod x class level x 2
  • healing may be divided on multiple uses
  • No effect on undead


Auras (Ex)

  • Intelligent creatures only (int 3 or higher)
  • All ally within 60ft (include self)(ally must be able to hear you)
  • Free action to activate or dismiss aura
  • Max 1 major and 1 minor aura at the same time
  • Aura is dismissed if he is dazed, unconscious, Stunned, paralyzed, or otherwise unable to be heard or under-stood by his allies.
  • Auras are circumstance bonuses, (do not stack).

Minor Aura

  • Bonus: +5 (cha)
  • Ail of War. Bonus on disarm, trip, bull rush, and sunder attempts.
  • Motivate Dexterity: Bonus on Dexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks, and initiative checks.
  • Motivate Intelligence: Bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks.

Major Aura

  • Bonus: +1
  • Motivate Attack: Bonus on melee attack rolls.
  • Motivate Care: Bonus to Armor Class.


Bardic Knack

  • Level 6 = 3 ranks
  • 1/2 class lvl (rounded up) instead of original skill ranks
  • Can’t take 10 while using this ability
  • Doesn’t allow use of untrained skills



  • Bardic spells
  • Every spell has verbal component
  • Cha 10+ spell lvl needed to cast
  • DC: DC: 10+ spell level + Cha modifier
  • Bonus spells based on Cha


Light armor casting

  • No spell failure in light armor.


Turn or Rebuke Undead (Su)

  • 8/day (3+cha 5 = 8)
  • Standard action
  • Choice: Unholy energy
  • +2 on check with 5 ranks in knowledge religion (unused)


Divine Grace (Su)

  • Cha bonus on saves



  • Can find traps with DC 20 or more
  • Beating the traps Disable Device with more then 10 gives the rogue the ability to bypass without disabling.


Heir’s Mark

  • Nosomatic chirgeon lvl’s count as caster lvls for mark feats. (max 5)
  • (mark of healing caster level 1+1=2)


Nosomatic Chirurgy (Ex)

  • +1vs disease, nauseated or sickened effects / spells / ability's
  • +1 heal checks


Pestilential Touch (Su)

  • This ability allows you to spontaneously “lose” a single usage of any spell or spell-like ability to cast any Inflict spell of the same spell level or lower. (An inflict spell is any spell with “inflict” in its name, such as inflict light wounds).

Unlike normal casting of an inflict spell, the damage dealt by this ability is not negative energy, and so cannot be used to heal undead.


Divine compaion

  • Cost: 100gp
  • Companion is invisible and intangible
  • Max stored spell lvl’s = caster level = 7
  • Loses stored energy when caster regains spells (when resting)
  • Cant release energy in antimagic field or similar
  • Healing (Su): As a standard action, you can order your divine companion to convert the energy it has stored into healing power. This is the equivalent of a conjuration (healing) spell. This effect heals you for 1d6 points of damage per stored spell level, or as many levels as you designate ( up to the maximum currently stored).
  • Shielding (Su): As a swift action, you can order the creature to convert the energy it has stored into protecting you. This is the equivalent of an abjuration spell that provides you with a deflection bonus to AC and a resistance bonus on saves each equal to the number of stored spell levels, or as many levels as you designate ( up to the maximum currently stored). This effect lasts for 1 round per arcane caster level you possess.


Spiritual Connection

  • Use speak with animals and plants as spell
  • 3/day
  • Doesn’t make animals or plants more friendly
  • caster lvl 6


Warmage edge

  • Intelligence bonus on damage spells
  • Doesn’t work with scrolls
  • Works with staffs that uses your caster level



  • weapon: light hammer
  • armor: mithril chain +1
  • shield: mithril towershield +1 (worn on back unless otherwise noted)


  • goggels of minut seeing
  • masterwork tool (concentration)
  • amber amulet of vermin
  • vest of resistance +1
  • mithril chain +1
  • cloack of cha +1
  • armband of elusive action
  • ring of dex +1
  • ring of int +2
  • ank of translocation
  • lesser iron ward diamnod


  • rubber ball 5x
  • robe silk 2x
  • masterwork thief tools
  • masterwork tool (arcana)
  • masterwork tool (heal)
  • masterwork tool (climb)
  • alchemist fire 4x
  • holy water 2x
  • endure elements potion 1x
  • hand of the mage (neck)
  • scroll of sticky finger 4x
  • scroll of expedition retreat 2x
  • scroll of undetectable alignment 2x
  • army-poncho of woodland combat
  • army-poncho of snow combat
  • army-poncho of desert combat


  • scroll of sticky finger 1x
  • scroll of expedition retreat 1x
  • scroll of undetectable alignment 1x
  • alchemist fire 1x

remaining gold 621gp



Least mark of healing

  • 1/day cure light wounds (1d8 +2) or lesser restoration like spell (1d4)
  • Caster level 2


Trickery devotion

  • Standard action
  • Range 30ft
  • 1/day (extra use per 3 expended turn undead)
  • Duration 7 minutes (1 minute per level)
  • Effect: summons simulacrum of yourself (combination of major image and unseen servant)
  • Major image: visual, sound, smell, and thermal illusions
  • Unseen servant: str. 2, can do simple tasks
  • HP: 13 (6+level)
  • Movement, fly (can pretend to walk)
  • Swift action: make bluff +4 to make foes believe the image is you (and vice versa) for 1 round.
  • Bluff is opposed by sense motive
  • Simulacrum must be within 5ft of owner to make bluff


Protection devotion

  • Immediate action
  • Range: 30ft aura
  • +3 sacred bonus to AC
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • 1/day (extra use per 3 expended turn undead)


Extra edge

  • +2 damage with spells (1+1/4 lvl’s)



Draconic knowledge

  • Least; 2nd
  • +6 bonus on Knowledge and Spellcraft checks
  • Duration 24 hours
  • Treat these checks as train, even without any ranks


See the unseen

  • Least; 2nd
  • Gain see invisibly (as spell)
  • Gain darkvision 60ft
  • Duration: 24 hours


Enthralling voice

  • Lesser; 6th
  • Effect: creature are fascinated
  • Range: all enemies in 40ft radius
  • Max effectible creature: 7 HD (caster lvl)
  • Don’t need to share a language
  • Will save DC 21 (10+spell lvl 6+ cha 5)
  • Mind effecting effect
  • Duration concentration (max 7 rounds) + 5
  • After the effect any creature that had failed its will save regards you 1 step friendlier for 24Hours
  • Multiple uses don’t stack




  • lvl 0 - mage hand
  • lvl 0 - Message
  • lvl 0 - Ghost sound
  • Lvl 1 - Experdition retreat, swift
  • Lvl 1 - invisibility, swift
  • Lvl 1 - unseen servant
  • Lvl 2 - reflective disguise
  • Lvl 2 - fly, swift
  • Lvl 2 - silence
  • Lvl 3 - summon monster III
  • Lvl 3 - invisibility sphere



(not included aura's)

  • Appraise +8
  • Balance +11
  • Bluff +13
  • Climb +11
  • Concentration +6
  • Diplomacy +8
  • Disable Device +10
  • Disguise +8
  • Escape Artist +11
  • Gather Information 8
  • Heal +13
  • Hide +18
  • Intimidate +4
  • Jump +10
  • Knowledge +14
  • Listen +14
  • Move Silently +17
  • Open Lock +13
  • Ride +11
  • Search +18
  • Sense Motive +8
  • Sleight of Hand +17
  • Spellcraft +14
  • Spot +10
  • Survival +4
  • Swim +8
  • Tumble +11
  • Use Rope +11 (13 silk robe)



being to large for a quick loading time i gave the journal a new page




  • Field Marshal
  • General
  • Brigadier
  • Colonel ---- Cutter
  • Lt. Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Sergeant Major
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant ---- Billy Blanks, Logun
  • Private ---- Tom bombadail

Common military ranks
