Post-Future:Dragonball Legends

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The Shinigami Corporation is the most powerful organization on the Earth. It has essentially become the government, the economy, the police, and the military. One rule, under the mighty power of the corporation. One nation, under the CEO. And it was the Universal Humanoids that made them their wealth.

The Universal Humanoids, or Unimen, are custom lifeforms, down to the molecular level. A Uniman can be engineered to live off of almost any substance, to work without tiring, or sleeping. Even his level of intelligence can be designed, anywhere from simple animal to better than human, though most are kept more towards the former.

The present presiding officer over the Shinigami Corporation, is Dr. Shinigami himself, the man who founded the corporation, and invented the Unimen. Little is known about Dr. Shinigami, understandable given the immense size of the organization. With the exception of quarterly addresses to the masses over the videonets, he is never seen by the outside world.

Forgotten, But Not Yet Gone

But where do the Dragonballs fit into all this? While time has largely forgotten them, they still exist, thoug his healing powers will prove a welcome aid to the warrior fleeing from battle.


The Dragonballs seem to select heroes almost at random, so almost any character concept will work here. A hero could be an office clerk, a homeless dreg from the lowest depths of the city, one of the resistence fighters, one of the Unimen, maybe even an executive higher up in the Corporation.

With the Ki on such a massive wane, you won't see the kinds of massive power levels you saw in Z or GT. More likely you will see something more on the level of the original Dragonball, essentially high powered kung fu, with only the occasional smaller energy blast. Still it's possible that characters could eventually learn something akin to the Spirit Bomb technique, allowing them to draw power from a much wider area. This of course would come much later in a campaign, as it would no doub require considerable training to master.


The Dragonball Z roleplaying game would of course be the logical recommendation, and would actually work better here for Legends than it would for DBZ, due to the relatively low power level of starting heroes.

For an even lighter, cinematic sort of campaign, a modification of Steve Darlington's There is No Spoon Matrix roleplaying game might actually work rather well.

Exalted may do well for a more crunchy sort of setting, as it seems to have considerable detail when it comes to martial arts.

This document was created by J Arcane, and is a part of the Post-Future project.