Blacksky Company

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Blacksky Company has several officers. Officers will have invitational powers, as well as access to change the officers' notes and players' notes (to add new RPGnet handles if they invite). Officers will also be asked to help keep the chat in RPGnet civil. To quickly contact an officer, send an e-mail to blackskyofficers at iceshadow dot com.

Of the officers, two are selected as Senior Officers. They have nearly the same control over the guild as the Captain, including demotion, promotion, and removal from the guild.

All officers' alts will be promoted to Squad Leaders, which will be, in effect, identical to the Officer rank. The only distinction is for roleplay, and to keep track of which character is the officer's main character.

At present time, all officers are selected by the Captain with help from the other officers.

The current officers are as follows (out of date):

Player Name Character Name Rank
IceShadow Blackbraid Captain
brooksd01 Dorahan Senior Officer
Random Nerd Markom Senior Officer
MrHorrible Theomund Officer
Psicorp Audamin Officer


The guild roster page can be found on WoW Armory here:

Quartermaster Corps

Out of date

The Guild Bank can be found at any bank in the capital cities or the neutral towns. It is organized thus:

Tab 1: Items and gear for levels 1-40

Tab 2: Items and gear for levels 41-70

Tab 3: Recipes and reputation turn-ins

Tab 4: Mass quantity materials, such as ore and cloth.

Tab 5: Rarer materials

Tab 6: Raid materials. You must contact a guild officer to get anything from this tab.