Cyrus Vance

An ex-Imperial soldier turned smuggler and soldier-of-fortune, Captain of The Owl
A character in the Lady Blackbird : And a star to steer her by PBP game.
XP :
Dice Pool :
Ex-Imperial Soldier
Tactics, Command, Soldiers, Rank, Connections, Maps, Imperial War Ships
Haggle, Deception, Sneak, Hide, Camouflage, Forgery, Pilot, Navigation, [Repair], [Gunnery]
Tough, Run, Scrounge, Endure, Creepy Stare, Intimidate, [Medic]
Battle-Hardened, Shooting, Two-Gun Style, Pistol, Fencing, Sword, [Brawl], [Hail of Lead]
Key of the Commander
You are accustomed to giving orders and having them obeyed. Hit your trait when you come up with a plan and give orders to make it happen.
Buyoff: Acknowledge someone else as the leader.
Key of Hidden Longing
You are completely enthralled by Lady Blackbird, but you don’t want her to know it. Hit your key when you make a decision based on this secret affection or when you somehow show it indirectly.
Buyoff: Give up on your secret desire or make it public.
Key of the Outcast
You got exiled from the Empire. Hit your key when your outcast status causes you trouble or is important in a scene.
Buyoff: Regain your former standing or join a new group.
Secret of Leadership
Once per session, you can give someone else a chance to re-roll a failed roll, by giving them orders, advice, or setting a good example.
Secret of Warpblood
Once per session, you can teleport yourself or someone you’re touching.