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Now that she's co-owner of Summer's Gift and she's tasked to all things engine-y, Rina's keeping track of the gas. The Gift can hold 600 hrs of fuel and it generally takes 100 Cr to fill the Gift up.

Fuel Log
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
6.0 New Dunsmuir, Beaumonde 200 200 400 600
Grasshopper Stn 600 0 600 600
Aphrodite 316 284 316 600
Serenity Valley, Hera 6 594 0 594
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
7.0 Serenity Valley, Hera 3 591 0 591
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
8.0 Sampson Array 591 0 600 600
Deadwood 600 0 600 600
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
9.0 Parth Spaceport, Bellerophon 590 10 300 310
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
10.0 Memphis Yacht Yard, Osiris 192 118 0 118
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
12.0 Kore, Eavesdown Docks 96 22 588 600
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
14.0 New Kinshasa, Lassek 600 0 600 600
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
15.0 Lucifer's Landing, Angel 106 (pulse) 494 0 494
Northern Continent, Salisbury 106 (pulse) 388 0 388
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
16.0 En route to Sho-Je Downs 112 (pulse) 276 0 276
Sho-Je Downs (spaceport) 0 276 324 600
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
17.0 Jamestown Stn., Bernadette 600 0 600 600
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
18.0 Newhall 560 40 560 600
Beylix 20 + 6 574 0 574
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
19.0 Constance 30 +6 538 0 538
Disraeli, moon of Constance 1 +6 531 0 531
return to Constance 1 +6 524 0 524
Game Location Hrs Fuel Spent Tank Balance Hrs Fuel Replenished Tank Total
20.0 Osiris 600 0 600 600
Perdido Station, Perdido 288 212 0 212
Rescue mission, Perdido 212 30 (down) + 40 (up) 0 52
Perdido Station, Perdido 52 0 498 550
Larson County, Boros 9 591 0 591

(100 cr/600hrs = .166666 credits per fuel hr. --or-- 6 fuel hrs per credit)
Also: Factor in approx. 6 hours for atmo burn incoming and outgoing.

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