Siraj Tahan

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Siraj grew up poor and destitute in his homeland of Lebanon. There was little room to improve his lot in life, so when he was fourteen he lied about his age in order to get work aboard a merchant freighter bound for America. Siraj heard wonderful stories of a land of promise and plenty where anybody could seek their and succeed. Siraj heard wrong. America turned out to be a bitter disappointment for Siraj. It wasn't the land of plenty, it was a land where the rich exploited the poor, and the streets were rife with crime. In some ways it was worse than home, at home people tried to look out for one another. Siraj managed to cope with America. He found a job as a cabbie at TurboTaxi in Arion city. Over time he became intimately familiar with the streets of Arion city. He came to know their twists and turns, their ins-and-outs, and their crime and corruption. Siraj is dejected and distraught by the condition of Arion City. He wishes that America was the land of opportunity that it professes to be. He's tired of seeing good people suffer, and he wants things to change, but he's just one cabbie, what could he do? The thing that bothers Siraj the most is that people seem so distant and apathetic, but that's probably, he reasons, because they are trying to keep from getting their heads blown off. He tends to be friendly and chatty with his customers because he's acutely lonely and wishes he had close friends. He lives in a dingy apartment with his cat Farah, and grows a small garden on the rooftop of his apartment building.

Siraj's Skills

Siraj'a Powers

Character Sheet