Age Of Dragons: Playing Neonate Dragons

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Age Of Dragons: Main Page -> Legacies -> Playing Neonate Dragons


A neonate is any dragon of less than fifty years age. In almost all draconic societies, neonates are seen as sacrosanct by all but the most immoral fiends. It is considered the height of evil to murder a neonate, and immoral to even harm one. Even the most bloodthirsty warrior of the Ascendancy would pause before harming a neonate, even if that neonate was the child of his direst enemies in the Alliance.

A neonate will typically be raised by its Guardians, as appointed by the now deceased parents. At hatching, a neonate is around a metre in length, and has babe-like proportions. Flight comes early (2d6 years age), but full physical strength will not be reached for some time. Language is attained at a few months age, and by a year a dragon will have the cognitive capacity of an adult human.

Soma, Sophis and Pneuma

In game terms, a neonate starts with Sophis Soma and Pneuma of 1.

By the age of 50 years he will have reached his adult levels of Sophis, Soma and Pneuma - the gain in his stats should occur at a roughly even rate over those fifty years till he reaches adult levels.

Lifepaths and Puissance

Draconic education starts young: Guardians will select a lifepath for a hatchling from the time it is born. A hatchling might even select its own lifepath within its first few years, or try out different lifepaths for short periods at a time in their first century, though most will follow what is selected for them.

Regardless, Dragon neonates are born with an Arete Rating of 0 in their chosen Lifepath. When they reach the age of 10 years, they gain their first point of Arete, and gan +1 Arete per 10 years afterwards.