Shadow of the Long White Cloud
Mage: The Awakening: Shadow of the Long White Cloud
A game set in Wellington, New Zealand, and run by Andrensath.
The Cabal
- Blaze, Mastigos, Mysterium played by Deamon.
- Heisenburg, Moros, Silver Ladder, Uncrowned King, played by Anglachel.
- Lister, Thyrsus, Adamantine Arrow, played by medic.
- Malachi, Acanthus, Guardian of the Veil, played by Phantom Grunweasel.
- Upane, Obrimos, Adamantine Arrow, played by Psyke.
- [ IC]
- [ OOC]
The Sanctum
Cabal Roles
- Farseeker: ?
- Doorwardens: ?
- Hearthmaster: ?
- Lorekeeper: ?
- Edgetender: ?
The NPCs
Pentacle Orders
Adamantine Arrow
Athena Promachos
- A Thunderbolt Guardian and member of The Sisterhood of the Blessed.
- Athena Promachos was assigned as Lister's Mentor by the Adamant Sage of Wellington.
- She is a Provost, and the Lorekeeper in the Phalanx cabal.