Pig and Whistle Cuts Wishlist
What gem cuts do Society members want done?
What gem cuts have been acquired?
Ametrine - Oragne
- Reckless Ametrine (+12 SP, +10 haste) (acquired by Thanakil)
- Stalwart Ametrine (+10 Dodge, +10 Defense) (acquired by Syrtis)
Cardinal Ruby - Red
- Bold Cardinal Ruby (+20 Str) (acquired by Syrtis)
- Delicate Cardinal Ruby (+20 Agi) (requested by Claudiana)(acquired by Sophelis)
- Precise Cardinal Ruby (+20 Exp) (acquired by Thanakil)
- Runed Cardinal Ruby (+23 SP) (requested by Carnaak)(acquired by Sophelis)(acquired by Syrtis)
- Bright Cardinal Ruby (+40 AP) (requested by Aylfric)(acquired by Sophelis)
Dreadstone - Purple
- Sovereign Dreadstone (+10 Str, +15 stam) (acquired by Thanakil)
- Tenuous Dreadstone (+10 Agi, +5 Mp5) (requested by Claudiana) (acquired by Sophelis)
Eye of Zul - Green
- Enduring Eye of Zul (+10 def, +15 stam) (acquired by Syrtis)
- Intricate Eye of Zul (+10 haste, +10 Spirit) (requested by Telemort)
King's Amber - Yellow
- Rigid King's Amber (+20 Hit) (requested by Tzeitl, Claudiana)(acquired by Vanya)
Majestic Zircon - Blue
- Lustrous Majestic Zircon (+10 Mp5) (acquired by Thanakil)
- Solid Majestic Zircon (+30 Stam) (acquired by Syrtis)
WoWWiki Northrend Epic Gems: http://www.wowwiki.com/Northrend_epic_gems
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