Hobgoblin (Alexis Harding)
Hobgoblin (PL 14)
Init +9; Defense 19 (14 flat-footed); Spd 30 ft, Flight 30ft.; Atk +9 melee (+1S/5’ reach/crit 20, punch); Atk +9 ranged (+6 Varies); Dmg +2 (Evasion +7), Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; HP 7; Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 20
Skills: Acrobatics +14, Balance +12 , Bluff +12, Computers +5, Jump +8, Knowledge (History-New York’s Age of Heroes, Trivia-Spider-Man) +5, Pilot +14, Sense Motive +6, Repair +10, Taunt +12
Feats: Attack Finesse, Attractive, Dodge, Evasion, Hero’s Luck, Heroic Surge, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Infamy, Instant Stand, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Pilot), Startle, Surprise Strike, Talented (Bluff, Taunt), Takedown Attack, Vehicle (Goblin Glider), Whirlwind Attack.
- Luck +6 [Extras: Fortune, Jynx, Variable Effect (Extras: Ghost Touch; Flaws: Additional Save-Will); Power Stunts: Counter Luck; Cost 8 pp; Total: 50 pp],
- Spontaneous Inventor +6 [Power Stunts: Tech Specialist (Weapon); Cost: 1pp; Total 8pp]
- Goblin Garb – Armor +6 [Extras: Energy Blast, Boost (Extras: All Attributes (Physical)), Dazzle-(Hearing), Flight, Telescopic Sense (Vision), Sensory Protection; Features: Voice Modulator; Power Stunts: Darkvision; Flaws: Penetrable; Cost: 7pp; Total: 45pp]
- Goblin Glider (Vehicle-Jet) – Size-Small; Base Defense +14 (+3, +1 Size); Hardness 12; Max Speed (Flight): 12; Maneuverability 12; Extras: Protection, Remote; Power Stunts: Aerial Combat, Move-By-Attack, Super-Flight; Features: Boosters x5, Move Silently +10, Hover Mode, Ram Plating, Superior Handling, VTOL
- Throwing Bats, Goblin Grenades, Pumpkin Bombs, Etc.? - Spontaneous Inventor used for:
- Weapon +6 [Extras: Multi-Ammo x2 (Disintegration, Cloud, Tranquilizer, Slick, Slow, Dazzle), Indirect Fire; Features: Close Quarters, Spring Loaded; Flaws Dispersed Firepower; Cost 3pp; Total 18pp]
- Driven (becoming a theme… no?) (Major): Perhaps even more Driven than Malcolm… while he stumbled upon his destiny… she’s trained for it for as long as she can remember.
- Bezerker (Moderate): Alexis is a sucker for a throw down and can be easily lured into disadvantageous battles. In their first “team-up”, in the heat of battle Alexis actually decked Malcolm by accident… not so amusingly breaking his nose in three places.
- Antagonist (Moderate)- Osborn hates this goody-two-shoes poser almost more than he does the kid pretending to be Spider-man. The Goblin Gang doesn’t like the wannabe either.