Character:The Shining Lord of Gold and Ivory
Game: Once more, with feeling.
The Lord of Gold and Ivory
Caste: Twilight
Concept: Demon Summoner
A young tanned man with eyes and hair shining like gold and perfect white teeth, a golden circle, top half filled in,is marked in his forehead permanently. He is dressed in a clean white robe adorned with gold buttons and patterns of threads.
Binding the demons of Malfeas into protecting Creation.
Yozi (-)
His Family (+)
Fair Folk (-)
(And one more)
A white and golden light surrounding him, at higher levels a shining pentagram pattern around his feet.
PHYSICAL: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
MENTAL: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
Caste and Favored
Investigation 4
Craft (Fire) 2 (1 BP)
Craft (Air) 2 (1 BP)
Craft (Earth) 1 (0,5 BP)
Craft (Magitech) 5 (2,5BP)
Lore 5
Occult 6 (Spellcraft +3) (2,5BP)
Martial Arts 5 (Staffs +1) (0,5 BP)
Integrity 4
Presence 5
Lingustics 3
Performance 4
Resistance 2
Dodge 5
Larceny 1
Stealth 1
Ride 1
Artifact 5 (2BP) (The Golden Tome, this is a copy of the Book of Three Circles, but the Lady in Gold and Ivory's personal variant. While it is not as complete as the original, as the Lady edited, modified or outright ignored certain spells, it weighs this up by containing a number of original spells by the Lady herself)
Artifact 5 (2BP) (The Ivory Staff, custom artifact)
Manse 5 (2BP) (The Golden Cave, 5 dot variant of Sorcery Stone, details later)
Ally 1 (The Lord's sidereal mentor)
"Demonic Familiar" 5 or any combo of 5 dots (5BP) (Standin for whatever to use for a number of First Circle Demons bound to service)
Lunar Bond 5 (Automatic)
- Terrestial Circle Sorcery
- Celestial Circle Sorcery
- Solar Circle Sorcery
- Ox Body Tecnique x2
- Sapphire Essence Understanding
- Sapphire Essence Understanding
- Celestial Circle Sorcery
- Integrity-Protecting Prana
- Destiny Manifesting Method
- Spirit-Detecting Glance
- Spirit Cutting Attack
- Ghost-Eating Technique
- All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight
- Sorcerer's Burning Chakra Charm
- Shadow over Water
- Seven Shadow Evasion
- Essence Gathering Temper
- Willpower Enhancing Spirit
- Majestic Radiant Presence
- Terrifying Apparition of Glory
- Discerning Savant's Eye
Demon of the First Circle
Infallible Messenger
Death of Ivory Shards (As Death of Obsidian Butterflies, but with shards of ivory instead)
Demon of the Second Circle
Travel Without Distance
Sapphire Banishment
Adamant Countermagic
Demon of the Third Circle
Light of Solar Cleansing
Cleansing Solar Flames
Essence: 6 (21 BP)
Peripheal: 91m(81m if 5 Ess)
Compassion 4
Conviction 2
Temperance 2
Valor 5 (6 BP)
Merits and Flaws
Past Lives (4)
Sorcery Focus (4)
Beacon of Power (4)
Derangement: Multiple Personalities (3)
Throwback (3)
Enemy (3) (Demon or some Fair Folk Perhaps?)
Permanent Caste Mark (2)
Bonus Points
+3 Essence 21 BP
Abilities 8 BP
Backgrounds 11 BP
Virtues 6 BP
Willpower 2 BP
Merits and Flaws net -7 BP
Comments for the GM
4 BP pending
Spell costs (I've assumed that spells are considered Occult/Favored charms and thus 2,5 BP per spell due to Sorcery Focus)
Ivory Staff (This is a five dot artifact that is a great help for sorcerors, of possible powers I'm thinking a combo of Force Pike, Sorcery-capturing cord and the Sapphire Essence Understanding charm from Hundredfold facets)
Manse (For hearthstone I'm thinking a Sorcery Stone, but five dots instead of three, and thus more powerful. Exactly how I don't know how to scale, 15m for three spells perhaps? Or effect permanent? Possible req that it sits in the Ivory staff?)
Enemy (A powerful sorceror always have old enemies, considering the Lord's interest in Malfeas a powerful demon could be fitting, but as I'm, imagining the Lady as having had more dealings with the Fair Folk, possibly something from there. Take your pick (or both, that could be fun))
The Golden Tome (Hmm... just realized that due to training times not existing for spells that means the book is sort of redundant... I'll think about that one)
"Demon Allies" (I also wonder what background would be good to represent a couple of First Circle Demons bound to his service)
The Lady
An own small section for the Lady in Gold and Ivory. My view of her is that she is quite similar to the Lord, being a "bit" overconfident and rash, although as I said, more leaning towards Conviction than Compassion. This means that it is essentially that the past life that can take control from Throwback is the same as the aspect of his personality from Multiple Personalities. Some background about the Lady would be good to flesh out, I'll say what I've thought of so far.
The Lady in Gold and Ivory was one of the late First Age's most respected and feared sorcerors. From her splendid Manse palace the Ivory Tower, located where the desert of the South met the sea of the West and the Wyld, she would study the fabric of creation and the possiblity of anchoring it further into reality and expanding into the Wyld. Towards the Usurpation she became more and more reclusive and did not participate in the great calibration feast and it thus gave her time to prepare before the Dragon Blooded and Sidereals came knocking on her door. In an unprecedented burst of sudden realisation that she would not be able to withstand their combined might she quickly designed a spell to graft herself to the Exaltation shard when she died, and would thus survive until the next exaltation.
The Sidereal that turned out to having been the Lord's mentor was one of the Lady's closest friends, and it was thus that she was able to recognize her through the memories of mannerisms and personality traits that the Sidereal did not think to conceal to her student.
Prospective XP Spending
Sorcery Circles, Sapphire Essence Understanding and Ox Body 20xp 20 Spells 80xp
Own Notes
For opt. * Marked Charms 15 Intitial. All spells and ** marked charms (3) bought with xp along with 20 spells and *** marked charms for a total of 100xp. *** Is taken if starting xp and starting essence of 6.