B X Wilderlands Campaign
This page is for the B/X D&D Wilderlands Campaign being run by Julius Sleazer.
Forum Threads
Current Characters
Alphabetical order of first names:
Damayanti - Played by Pariahic
Lysippe - Played by t@nya
Thorvald Leifson - Played by MonsterMash
Zossi - Played by DeeCee
Current Retainers and NPCs
Altan is charismatic and has a striking appearance, with red hair and dark eyes. Back in Karak, she often led your family's retainers during ceremonial marches. However, while she is a brave and competent fighter, she is given to bouts of dizziness and ill-health.
Dorjpalam is short and reserved. She hails from a backwater mountain province and is capable of laboring longer than many strong men. She is also quite superstitious and searches the stars for portents and omens at night.
Your first retainer, Bjorn, is remarkable only for his devout worship of Odin and his unstinting zeal when performing difficult manual tasks. He is a Dragonscar Skandik.
Your second retainer, Hrolf Fairhair, is a skilled fighter with any weapon to which he sets his hand. He is also handsome and popular with women, although he occasionally falls into dark moods and speculates that he will die an untimely death. He is a Dragonscar Skandik.
Your third retainer, Njal the Northerner, is a foreigner who jumped ship and has lived on Dragonscar Isle ever since. He speaks little of his past, but his erudite air indicates that he was educated at one time. His neck also bears the scars of a thrall-ring and he limps when he walks. Oddly, Njal speaks the tongues of ogres and gnolls in addition to Common and Skandik. Njal is a Skandik from the far north.
Your fourth retainer, Leif, is a farmer's son. He is relatively untrained in melee, but is a decent shot with a bow or a sling and likes to hunt. Leif has his father's red hair and blue eyes and his Ghinoran mother's dark complexion. People whisper that the gods favor him and that ill fortune cannot touch him. He is a Dragonscar Skandik.
Past Characters
These are the fallen heroes from the campaign.