Widening Gyre: Campaign Log
Campaign Log
Prologue: The Age of Sorrows, part I
Prologue: The Age of Sorrows, part II
Interlude: Touched by the Sun
Interlude: Ragara Sumire
Prologue: The Wild Hunt
Season 1
Prelude: Lady Kaori
Episode 01: [Of Falcons and Falconers] . . (posts 1-56)
Episode 02: [Points of Departure] . . (posts 57-106)
Episode 03: [Wangler's Knob] . . (posts 107-200)
Episode 04: [| Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?] . . (posts 201-315)
Episode 05: A Dream Given Form . . (posts 316-441)
Episode 06: The Journey South . . (posts 442-)
Supplemental Material
The Letters of Ozymandius
First Letter: My Dear Mithra
Second Letter: Mithra
Third Letter: I die, my sweet
Directives of the All-Seeing-Eye
Cynis Marad's communique: It is done, Master