Widening Gyre: Campaign Log
Campaign Log
Prologue: The Age of Sorrows, part I
Prologue: The Age of Sorrows, part II
Interlude: Touched by the Sun
Interlude: Ragara Sumire
Prologue: The Wild Hunt
Season 1
Prelude: Lady Kaori
Episode 01: Of Falcons and Falconers . . (posts 1-56)
Ashadar Shan, traveling with a column of troops, meets the Guild Master Venerable Ibsen, finds much of Varsi massacred and burned by a DB named Sessus Lahor. Cathak Yuusuka, travelling through the scavenger lands on the trail of the Wyld Hunt, comes to the city of Puyo, uplifts a young street rat, then casts him down again. Meanwhile, Mnemon Orlando trains Kirika in the Willow Grove temple. An attempt on Yuusuka's life kills the boy instead, and he exalts as a dusk caste. Shan's column arrives in Wangler's Knob.
Episode 02: Points of Departure . . (posts 57-106)
Episode 03: Wangler's Knob . . (posts 107-200)
Episode 04: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? . . (posts 201-315)
Episode 05: A Dream Given Form . . (posts 316-441)
Episode 06: The Journey South . . (posts 442-)
Supplemental Material
The Letters of Ozymandius
First Letter: My Dear Mithra
Second Letter: Mithra
Third Letter: I die, my sweet
Directives of the All-Seeing-Eye
Cynis Marad's communique: It is done, Master