Cruel Butterfly

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Public Knowledge

Trust Braddock was practically born into super royalty. The son of popular Super couple, Paragon II A.K.A. Marcus Braddock and Lambent Flame(an German Drammen, know for her Silvery Fire aura) A.K.A Monika Schroder, and the Grandson of Paragon I. His parents divorced when he was five, citing irreconcilable differences. He was raised by his father and spent much of his childhood being conditioned for the life super heroism by his father. Things took a rather an unexpected turn when Young Trust's power manifested at the age of sixteen. Due to the seemingly low combat applicability the elder Braddock began focusing his attention on Trust's younger brother Lennox, who manifested more traditional physical enhancement powers within months of Trust's.

Today Lennox serves in the DPHD as Paragon III. Left to his own devices for the most part after that Trust spent much of the rest of his teen years acting partying and getting in minor scandal after scandal. Eventually, after particularly notable arrest after picking a fight outside a nightclub with some Paparazzi Braddock disappeared from the public eye. He reappeared some months later in Japan, apparently having cleaned up his act (somewhat). He was a fairly popular hero in Japan and had several high profile busts, including repeated run ins with the feared Japanese Bloodliner: The Crimson Mantis. Most famously he saved a bus full of children from careening off Mt. Fuji! For unknown reasons he has returned to the United States and joined the Chicago Based Super Group the Untouchables.

Private Knowledge
