A&O Changing Stats Tracker
A headset with a green eyepiece. Touch the switch and ask for someone.
On the request of the Storyteller, inspired by John Palmer's stat sheet, we of AlphaOmega get to put our changing stats here.
- Health level stats can be read as follows (Dakk's idea): Unharmed, Bashing, Lethal,
- Health Levels:
- Unharmed, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, I, (Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying)
- Personal Essence: 15/15
- Peripheral Essence: 36/36
- Willpower: 1/6
- Limit: /10
- XP: 1/17
- Anima:
- Channels Used: 2 Valor
- Health Levels:
- Unharmed, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, I
- Personal Essence: 16/16
- Peripheral Essence: 12/39
- Willpower: 7/7
- Limit: 2/10
- XP: 34/53
- Anima: None
- Channels Used: 3 Conviction
- Health Levels:
- Unharmed, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, I
- Personal Essence: 14/14
- Peripheral Essence: 25/35
- Willpower: 2/5
- Limit: 1/10
- XP: 16/16
- Anima:
- Channels Used:
All stats dated 5th of February. Look here for up-to-date information!
- Health Levels:
- Unharmed, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, I
- Personal Essence: 10/13
- Peripheral Essence: 20/24
- Willpower: 5/7
- Limit: 7/10
- XP: 1/24
- Anima: Bonfire
- Channels Used: 2 Conviction, 2 Valor, 1 Compassion
John Palmer
Updated 3/11/10. Hooray?!
- Note: See here for current stats.
- Health Levels:
- Undamaged, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, I
- Personal Essence: 13/13
- Peripheral Essence: 22/30
- Willpower: 5/7
- Limit: 1/10
- XP: 39/49 (7/49)
- Anima: Bonfire
- Channels Used: 2 Conviction
Robert Grimm
- Health Levels:
- Unhurt, -0, -1, -1 , -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated, Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying(, Dying - in Warform)
- Personal Essence: 0/15
- Peripheral Essence: 0/36
- Willpower: 1/6
- Limit: 5/10
- XP: 5/26
- Anima: Clearly visible caste mark
- Channels Used: 2 Valor
- Health Levels:
0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
- Personal Essence: 7/7m
- Peripheral Essence: 19/19m
- Willpower: 0/5
- Limit: 0/10
- XP Earned: 29
- XP Spent: 9
- Anima: Totemic 16m
- Channels Used: 1 Conviction
Sui Mae
- Health Levels:
- Unharmed, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, I
- Personal Essence: 9/9
- Peripheral Essence: 24/24
- Committed: 9 Peripheral
- Willpower: 0/5
- Limit: 0/10
- XP: /
- Anima: totemic
- Channels Used: