DnD Desert Raiders Campaign Zar

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Zar the Unbodied




Lvl 4 stat increase: +1 Con

Lvl 8 stat increase: +1 Cha

Class Variants

[The Mind's Eye: Expanded Classes] Telepathic Communication

You gain the supernatural ability to communicate with any creature with your telepathy.

Class: Psion (Telepath)

Level: 5th.

Replaces: The bonus feat at 5th level.

Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability telepathy from page 316 of the Monster Manual. You can communicate telepathically with any other creature that has a language within 5 feet per manifester level. You can address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.