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This is the wiki for an Eclipse Phase play-by-post game on the forums.

IC Thread

OOC Thread


Havrin, Neo-Avian Scavenger, played by artifex

Kali, Scum Freelancer, played by Naeolin

Jonah Spectre, Psyber Assassin, played by Arkritedes

Methran Snielle, Negotiator, played by Andrensath

Robert "Skin" Clarke, Soldier, played by Smokeskin

Alecta, Muscle-for-Hire, played by Chronicler


Approximately one hour ago, a TerraGenesis bioinformatician named Dr. Yun Kwon alerted the corporation's Martian headquarters at Ashoka that there was a containment leak at a research facility (TerraGenesis codename YEWBECCA) near the edge of the TITAN Quarantine Zone. Firewall intercepts picked up unencrypted fragments of the transmission and subsequent analysis has turned up indications of a potential X-Risk situation at Kwon's location. Your cell is to procede east from Noctis via a provided tilt-rotor transport to the facility and complete the following objectives (in order of priority):

1) Locate and secure Dr. Kwon for extraction.

2) Locate and secure Container JSK215 for extraction.

3) Gain access to and download facility databases, particularly those regarding the exoplanet codenamed DREMEL in TerraGenesis communications.

WARNING: TerraGenesis is sending a maintenance and biohazard cleanup unit to YEWBECCA in response to Kwon's alert. This unit is being delayed by proxy associates to provide a window of opportunity for your cell to complete its objectives. Current estimates place the TerraGenesis unit's arrival time at 15:37, approximately three hours from your cell's own estimated arrival time at the facility (12:37). Caution is advised regarding potential interactions with facility personnel and security response.

Should you or your fellow operatives identify evidence of TITAN involvement, the Exsurgent Virus, or other potential threats to the stability of the Mars colony, you are authorized to take whatever means are necessary to contain or eliminate these threats. This includes but is not limited to the use of lethal force and the sabotage of TerraGenesis equipment. Current intelligence also indicates a probability of contact with previously uncataloged exoterran biology within the site. Your cell has been provided with immunization boosters and biohazard safety equipment for this eventuality. Use with discretion.

Forwarding data...


Dr. Yun Kwon

Age: 68

Dr. Kwon is a bioinformatician who works for the corporation TerraGenesis. He is primarily a researcher, working with the cataloging and comparison of exoterran plant life. Specializing in hybridizing wetlands flora, he is sympathetic to efforts to reclaim Earth but has stated a preference for finding a “new Eden” through exploration of Pandora Gates. These sentiments have occasionally caused some conflict with some of his more conservative peers at TerraGenesis, but there is no indication that he harbors extremist views. By all accounts, he is something of a lab rat rather than an explorer or troublemaker, content to focus on his work in a controlled environment.

Firewall is primarily interested in Kwon’s knowledge regarding particular exoplanet projects TerraGenesis is currently engaged in. He is also obviously of interest as he is the party who first signaled the corporation that something may be amiss at Yewbecca.

Yewbecca Facility

The Yewbecca facility is located near the western edge of the TITAN Quarantine Zone, a fact that points to it being intentionally difficult to reach or stumble upon by accident. While it is likely involved in some capacity with the terraforming of Mars, the level of security and secrecy indicate other, more cutting edge research is being done on its grounds. The facility is composed of four main structures. The primary one is a central building which appears to be where the researchers and other staff live and work. The other three are equally large dome structures with filtration and hydration systems which suggest greenhouses.

Current estimates place the number of TerraGenesis personnel on site at around 10 to 20 individuals, most of whom are using biomorph platforms. Based on typical facilities of this type, it is expected that roughly half of these individuals are research scientists and the other half are support staff. Security forces are likely to be small in number but of high caliber. It is expected that the facility has at least one AI dedicated to maintaining facility subsystems. There is a distinct possibility that there are exoterran life forms in the facility, though indications point to most of these being non-sapient and plant-like.