Savage Prax
- Iskallors page for his savage prax game
- Snikka Flikka Foundchild runelord "ghost claw" Alpha male Has heroquested before.His claws can physicaly damage ghosts. they exsist in both worlds. They flicker constantly with a pale light. Has big club.
- Dak Dak 'Stab stab' foundchild hunter Bachelor
- Kash Fakash 'lets barter' foundchild hunter Bachelor
- Boo Waa 'i'm behind you' foundchild hunter Female
- Chik Chakka 'Faster than you' foundchild hunter Female
- Mao Mao Gaboon Tribal shaman (female) and leader. wooden staff of spirits. when it shakes alittle bit of prax arrives in the new hills.
- Aye Aye apprentice shaman (Female)
- 'Ot 'Ot Balagan Oakfed male shaman from Singefur troop, custodial troop of the Oakfed temple at monkey shrine.
- 'Crazy fire' came because his spirit told him to, he dreamt of a tar pit. A nutty pyromaniac and necessary for their heroquest His allied spirit/fetch is a flame in a claypot.
- 'Ot Po'Tato female apprentice shaman,missing rather alot of fur.
- 'Crispy tuber'. came coz she was told too.
- Rakka Dak "Bloody Fang" dark eaters young males
- Rikka Snikka 'Sharp Claw' "
- Boo DakChoo 'Watchout' "
- Gnash Gnash 'Ripper' "
- Yum Po'Tato Grandmother earth elder 'sweet tuber'
- Chik Chak Helpwoman 'Run fast'
- Num young adolescent male 'food'
- Gnash young adolescent male 'Tooth'
- Snik young adolescent male 'finger'
- 'Oop young adolescent female 'Jumper’