User:Bill/Malifaux Roleplaying
On this page, I will compile my notes on the conversion of Malifaux to a roleplaying game. Malifaux and all affiliated properties are copyright Wyrd Miniatures. No challenge to Wyrd's rights is intended.
Malifaux is a skirmish wargame produced by Wyrd Miniatures that features a unique blend of steam punk, gothic horror, spaghetti western, and Hong Kong action movie. The genre bending nature of the game lends it an air of anything being possible, making it especially attractive for a roleplaying game.
Malifaux also utilizes a seductively fun and simple card based resolution system. One that will be easy to adapt for more variable use in the roleplaying environment. It is my opinion that most of any RPG's page count is made up of the combat system and that skirmish based wargames, with their emphasis on individual model performance, fill that role well.
The Core Mechanic
Malifaux uses a simple mechanic of adding a model's relavent stat to the face value of a card drawn from a 54 card deck of playing cards, comparing the total to a target number or contesting another player's total. The drawing of a card is referred to as a "flip". A flip may be modified in a few ways. A flip may have a finite bonus or penalty applied to its stats or a specific action. The flip may also be modified by a positive or negative "twist of fate". In both cases one to three additional cards will be flipped in addition to the normal card; in the case of a positive twist the player may choose to use any one of the cards, but in the case of a negative twist the player must use the lowest value shown.