Character:Ralis Bek

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Name: Ralis Bek Race: Miraluka
Class(s): Jedi (5) Soldier (1) Destiny: Discovery: find my mentor, Embrul Kel-Drul.


Taken into the Jedi academy at a young age, Ralis (pronounced "Rally") was considered by others to be a promising and good jedi padawan. She and her master Embrul were a good match. For her seven years in the order Embrul became more of a parent figure in her life, everything depended upon his approval. Those feelings moved to adornment and then Embrul was gone. Nothing more, no news, she was only told he was gone, with no expectation of ever coming back. This didn't sit well with Ralis and she became distant with the order, angry at her new babysitter so-called mentor, and became disobedient. When the order offered to let her out with a free pass she left without looking back. Only looking forward to the day she could find Embrul again.


Calm on the outside, inside she is a boiling pot of mixed emotions mostly springing from her abandonment.



Strength 18 +4 Intelligence 16 +3 Fortitude +11 Toughness 8/5/3
Dexterity 18 +4 Wisdom 16 +3 Reflex +13 Defense 22
Constitution 16 +3 Charisma 18 +4 Will +11 Attack +12/+16 Grapple

Initiative: +4


Skill Total Ranks Bonus Skill Total Ranks Bonus
Acrobatics 12 8 4 Bluff 12 8 4
Climb 12 8 4 Computers 7 4 3
Disable Device 11 8 3 Escape Artist 12 8 4
Gather Information 12 8 4 Intimidate 12 8 4
Investigate 11 8 3 Knowledge: Streetwise 11 8 3
Notice 11 8 3 Search 11 8 3
Sense Motive 11 8 3 Stealth 12 8 3


Feat Notes


Effect Type Action Range Duration Save
Device: Costume (Protection) Device None None None None
Power Feats Extras Flaws Drawbacks Cost/Ranks
Description: A protective costume with armored hardpoints.
Effect Type Action Range Duration Save
Device: Grapple Gun (Supermovement)
Power Feats Extras Flaws Drawbacks Cost/Ranks
Effect Type Action Range Duration Save
Device: Bolas (Snare) Device
Power Feats Extras Flaws Drawbacks Cost/Ranks
Effect Type Action Range Duration Save
Power Feats Extras Flaws Drawbacks Cost/Ranks