Storming the Castle

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Episode mount in progress--Archivist.

Game Date: 05 Mar 2011
Present: Cindy, Kim, Maer, Andy, and Jim

Wednesday, September 11, 1867

We pause to lick our wounds and Josephine has to use all her powers of persuasion to convince the Dwarves to carry the music box back to the boat and thence to the Castle when we leave. The party debates how to recompense the Dwarves from whose purse--the English Crown's or Flora's Dashwood inheritance.

We find the entrance to an underground cavern or passage and investigate the possibility it might lead to the castle on the oppposite shore. Josephine uses all her persuasion again to get one of the Dwarves, Kristoff, to check it. She accompanies him into the cavern while his partner waits with the music box. He whistles and claps and determines it's 1000 feet long, going due west, and it's about 200 feet wide. It took a lot of work to make. "You can park a town down here," he says. It's not a little cold and not a little dank, down here. There is also dimly glimpsed overhead a wooden peaked ceiling and a system of joists that will allow it to open upward. Perhaps to dump the lake upon those below?

The Dwarves prefer land travel over water. We take the passage.

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