The Mu Town Mutant Mutiny The Waitress
The Waitress
Ectoplasmic (Primary): Wisdom; Dark; +4 Dark overcharge; +4 bonus to Perception. When Bloodied, gain Resist 5 to all damage.
Temporal (Secondary): Wisdom; Dark; +2 Dark Overcharge; +4 bonus to Conspiracy; +2 AC; +5 Initiative.
Ectoplasmic Novice - Ectoplasmic Plunge: At-Will, Dark, Psychic. Standard Action, Melee 1, 1 creature. Wis+Lv vs. Reflex. 2d8+Wis+Twice Lv Psychic damage. Effect: You Shift 2 squares to any unoccupied square adjacent to the target.
Temporal Novice - Temporal Fugue: Dark, Physical, Teleportation. Standard Action. Melee or Ranged weapon. 1 creature. At-Will. Atttack: Wisdom+Level+Accuracy vs. Reflex. Hit: 1W+Wisdom+Lv Physical damage, teleport target 4 squares, and target is dazed until the end of your next turn
Ability Scores
Str 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1)
Dex 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 20 (+5)
Cha 13 (+1)
Acrobatics +5
Athletics +2
Conspiracy +5
Insight +6
Interaction +2
Mechanics +2
Nature +6
Perception +10
Science +2
Stealth +2
Heavy Armor: +7 AC, reduced Speed by 1.
Light 2-Handed Melee: +3 Accuracy (uses Dex/Int to hit), 1d12+Dex/Int damage.
Light 2-Handed Range Weapon +3 Accuracy (uses Dex/Int to hit), 1d12+Dex/Int damage, Range of 10.
Other: First Aid kit, Compass, Crowbar, Steel Mirror, Motorcycle
HP/Blooded: 27/13
Speed: 5
AC: 20
Fortitude: 12
Reflex: 12
Will: 16
Initiative: +7
Alpha Mutation
Invisibility (A; R; Dark) You can finally fight naked, just like you've always wanted to. Benefit: You are invisible. Whenever you attack while Invisible, you give away the square you're attacking from.; Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20; 10+: While this card is readied, you don't give away the square you're in when you attack; 9 or less: Each creature in a close burst 5 except for you becomes invisible until the end of your next turn.
Omega Tech
Diskthrower (O; U; Ishtar) This mechanical gauntlet lets you fling a spinning, diamond-sharp metal disk at your foe. Weapon: 1-hand ranged; Power: Encounter Physical; Standard Action, Ranged 10; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + 8 vs. AC; Hit: 2d12 + Dexterity modifier physical damage, and ongoing 10 physical damage (save ends).; Miss: You must choose a creature within 5 squares of the target and make the attack again against that creature.; Salvage 4: A 4th-level character can salvage the diskthrower. It becomes a light 1-hand ranged 10 weapon: Dex/Int; +3 accuracy; 2d8 damage.
Alpha Deck
1. Hands of Time
2. Hands of Power
3. I, Battery
4. Phase Strike
5. Body of Light
6. Invisibility
7. White Dwarf
8. Das Gamma Auge
9. Explode!
10. Vampiric Healing
11. Kinetic Absorption
12. Life Leech
13. Reflexive Teleport
14. Gravity Well
15. Phasing
16. Redirection
Omega Deck
1. Mass Pistol
2. Omniscient Goggles
3. Cerametal Armor
4. Autodoc
5. Gunsight Orbiter
6. Energized Armor
7. Photonic Spear
8. Diskthrower
9. Jet Boots
10. Repeating Gauss Rifle
11. Neural Baton
12. Phase Cape
13. Black Ray Gun
14. Phoenix Neurojack
15. Gunport Armor
16. Screaming Meemie