Gloranthan Spells
- Bladesharp 2, 80metres range, confuses the target
- Disruption 1,80 metres. Causing 1d3 dam to a random body location.
- Farsee1, halves the distance to an object
- Strength 1 adds +3 Str
- Befuddle 1. Befuddles opponent
- Healing 2, Heals 2 pts of damage.
- Glue 1, 10cmx 10cm patch of glue as strong as casters POW
- Glamour 2, 80 metres, increases App by 4
- Repair 1 Fixes 1d10 damage to object.
- Dispel magic 2 80 metres, dispels spells up to 2 POW pts
- Bladesharp 2, 80metres +10% attack skill, +2 damage
- Detect enemies 1, 40metres, can be stopped by 3m stone
- Protection 1,Adds 1pt of armour everywhere.
- Speedart 1, +15% to missile skill, +3 damage
- Multimisile 1, creates a magical arrow to appear after the previous one was fired.
- Protection 2, Adds 2pts of armour everywhere.
- Bladesharp 2, 80metres range, confuses the target
- Fanaticism 1, increases attack by half, no parry though or protection magic
- Detect Life 1. 40metres, can be stopped by 3m stone
- Healing 2, Heals 2 pts of damage.
- Countermagic 2,80 metres. Adds magical protection that stops offensive magic up to 2 points of POW
- Demoralize, 80 metres. Demoralizes foe, softens up for the kill.
- Mindspeech 2, Allows two people to be in mind to mind communication with the caster. A to B, and A to C. Not b and C though.
- Light. 10m circle of light. Must be cast on an object