Mutineers Timeline, Season Six

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  • Denotes RP/Journal entry

August 14, 2522 - Triumph ––– We carry electronic cargo to Triumph. We evade Alliance pursuit in a daring star-and-slingshot maneuver, only to find our contact missing once we arrive.

October 15, 2522 - Quarry ––– We find another buyer for the cargo on Paquin and have to evade Federal Marshals to pull it off.

  • October 18, 2522 - More Than You Have ––– (RP: Joshua and Bradley Sims)
  • October 19, 2522 - Whom Do You Bring? ––– (RP: Rina and Joshua)
  • October 21, 2522 - Fuego ––– (RP: Kiera and Joshua)

October 23, 2522 - Trust, But Verify ––– We deliver Bradley Sims to Persephone and thanks to an old contact of Rina's, we finally discover the truth behind Sims's package.