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a character for Ryan L's Fates_Intertwined.

  • Singer of Anthems Amaranthine
  • Caste: Fiend Caste Infernal
  • Concept: Team Mom, propagandist
  • First Impression and Appearance Text


  • become immortal




- those temeritous enough to take action against her (outrage)
- philistines who don't appreciate her art (contempt)
- bullies (contempt)
- those who enjoy privilege unearned (envy)
- incompetents who reach above themselves (contempt)
- obstructive bureaucrats (annoyance)
- prudes (contempt)
- censors (contempt)


- the Wolf at the Edge of the World (true love)
- those who treat her with courtesy (reciprocal courtesy)
- those who appreciate her talents (flattered affirmation)
- those who suffer unjustly (sympathy)
- allies who've proven trustworthy (respect)
- beautiful things (appreciation)
- a really good story (excitement)





Her dark hair unfurls untouched from its usually-severe bun, spilling down her shoulders and back like a fall of black water, as shadows puddle on the floor at her feet. The closer she comes to her full totemic manifestation, the more details deepen into darkness, until she becomes a mere silhouette of shadow.



  • Strength 2
  • Dexterity 2
  • Stamina 3


  • Charisma 1
  • Manipulation 5
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 3



Linguistics 5


Presence 5
Performance 5
Occult 5 (+3 Yozi Charms)
Martial Arts 4 (+3 unarmoured)
Integrity 5


Resistance 4
Lore 5


Cult 5

Amaranth's Cult is scattered and disparate, consisting almost entirely of avid readers who have been affected by one of her texts. Periodically, Amaranth publishes works that serve to do nothing but compel readers to utter a prayer of thanksgiving for such a beautiful piece, which funnels a steady breath of prayer her way. At the moment, her cult has few priests (mainly local publishers, who cultivate the fan-worship of the mysterious celebrity poet) and no real catechism, although this might change.

Backing: the Ebon Dragon 1

The Yozi occasionally deigns to utter some cryptic mutterings that might be taken for approbation of his Chosen.

Influence: the Ebon Dragon 1

While the Yozi has not delegated any responsibility to her personally, her status as a Green Sun Princess accords her automatic status in Malfeas.

Backing: the Guild 1

She is a small-time shareholder, just maintaining enough of a stake to gain access to the Guild's information channels and to earn preferential treatment when it comes time to publish (and if necessary, smuggle) her works.

Influence: artistic circles 3

The extreme popularity of her works (and her correspondingly mysterious public persona) make her a persistent favourite of the artistic set, who laud every new release with voluminous praise and fervid emulation.

Artifact 1: Nakik's Beak

A vitriol-tainted moonsilver baneclaw, for use as a martial arts weapon. A relic created for the First Age Lunar Nakik by Queen K'tula, his adoring mate, it surfaced in Malfeas after the Usurpation.

Artifact 2: skin-mount amulet

An obsidian piece of jewellery set in the base of her spine.

Manse 3: Stone of Conviction

A Malfean-aspected manse grants her this hearthstone: it empowers her with indomitable will, sometimes to her own detriment.

Manse 5: Gem of Perfected Mobility

An Adorjani-aspected manse grants her this hearthstone: it enables her to act and move much faster than she might appear able to. It reduces the Speed of all actions by half, but is not compatible with Extra-Action Charms.

Past Lives 5: Queen K'tula

Her First Age incarnation was the demented and brilliant Queen K'tula, whose attempt to explore the effect of Wyld energies on Exaltations resulted in the tragic transformation of her mate into a mindless monster. Her fascination with his new form, stemming from an inability to come to terms with her own guilt, eventually drove her to embrace the Charms of Kimbery.

  • Motivation: to demonstrate to all the glory that is Kimbery and her power
  • Intimacies: positive (love my mate, appreciate beauty), negative (deny guilt, don't let anyone get close, my own perfection)

Infamy 3

As the Ebon Dragon's chosen solution to the burgeoning Neverborn threat, Amaranth's specialised and important portfolio has given her a position of prominence amongst the Green Sun Princes, and allotted her a greater-than-usual share of celebrity and resources.

  • Backing: the Reclamation 3
  • Mentor: Reclamation Yozis 3
  • Influence: the Demon Realm 3
  • Resources 3
  • 'floating' points 3: currently Spies 3


Great Curse 5

As a special agent of the Yozis, Amaranth also has a shorter leash.

Amnesia 3

The trauma of the events leading to her Exaltation has led Amaranth to forget her life prior to her Second Breath, although some lingering affectations remain: a fondness for stories, children, and a deep-seated fear of being betrayed.


the Ebon Dragon

Charms for that Ability/Attribute (include short description and page #)


She Who Lives in Her Name





  • Essence: 5
  • Personal: 25/25
  • Peripheral: 55/55 +10 (Sweet Agony Savoured, refilled with LBEA) +10 (amulet)
  • Committed to Charms:
  • Committed to artifacts:
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status:


  • Compassion: 3
  • Conviction: 3 (+3 Stone of Conviction)
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 2
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break

Torment of Kimbery One of her positive Intimacies becomes negative. She can't gain positive Intimacies for 5 days. She can't knowingly help someone whose relationship with her has been subverted unless it's out of desperate self-interest



  • Join Battle:
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak: L/B/A


  • Move:
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

  • -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated (x4 Devil-Body)
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons


  • Give us at least two or three short paragraphs


  • Give at least one short paragraph



Each Member


Each Circlemate


  • Earned: #
  • Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
  • Unspent: #