Rising in the West/Lim
This character is played by OldKentuckyShark in the Rising_in_the_West campaign

Tya Adroit Lim
- Caste: Dawn
- Motivation: To perform the Seven-Sword Dance before the assembled Celestial Incarnae to tumultuous applause
- Intimacies:
Tya (belonging) The Sea (love) Women (chauvinism) Xi (distracted affection) Solars (protection)
- Theme Song: "Tattooed Women" by Tijuana Sweetheart
- Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
- Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5
- Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 4
- Dawn: Melee 5 (Daiklaves 2), War 3
- Zenith: Integrity 3, Performance 5 (Dancing 2), Presence 3 (Seduction 2), Resistance 3, Survival 2
- Twilight: Lore 1
- Night: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Dodge 2
- Eclipse: Linguistics 1 (Seatongue, High Realm), Sail 4
Finishing Touches
- Essence: 3
- Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 4 (Foolhardy Contempt)
- Willpower: 8
- Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave: "Sapphire Song") Artifact 1 (Orichalcum Chain Shirt), Resources 2, Backing 3 (Tya), Influence (Denzik City-Ship) 2
- 1st Melee Ex
- Peony Blossom Attack
- Solar Counterattack
- One Weapon, Two Blows
- Iron Whirlwind Attack
- Heavenly Guardian Defense
- Dipping Swallow Defense
- Fivefold Bulwark Stance
- Bulwark Stance
- Mob Dispersing Rebuke
- 1st Performance Ex
- Heart-Compelling Method
- Respect Commanding Attitude
- Salty Dog Method
Experience Points earned: 24
Experience points spent: 22
Description & History
Lim grew up as a Secondborn, a bastard daughter of a polygamist communal marriage in Wavecrest. Already one of Nature's tomboys, the constant scorn she faced as a child caused her to grow up both tough and mean. Adept at fighting, by the age of fourteen, she could already beat a grown man. And so no one in her hometown was all that surprised when, upon reaching adulthood, she applied for and was accepted among the ranks of the Tya: a society of seafaring women who are considered legally male. She adopted the ceremonial tattoos and drank the special sterilizing potion, and has never looked back since. Thanks to her skill at sailing and repelling pirates, she quickly rose through the ranks of the Guild.
Lim exalted when her former ship, the Prince of Reefs, was set upon by one of the Black Fleet in the southern shallows. All looked lost, and Lim was cast overboard with an undead pirate's arms still wrapped around her throat. She sank to the sandy bottom, near death, when she spotted the hilt of a corroded golden sword sticking out of a strand of coral. Grasping it, she suddenly remembered. Minutes later, Tya Lim came up over the side of the ship like a golden storm, dancing from enemy to enemy with fluid grace and carving a wake through zombie pirates. Since that day, her Tya brothers haven't been entirely sure what to make of the young exalt.
Lim is brash, macho, and vainglorious. Picture a Female Bro. After spending so long shunned and unloved as a child, she wants nothing more than universal recognition of her own personal awesomeness. Her three great loves are fighting, dancing, and the Tya, who gave her the only family she ever loved. Remarkably, she's more than a little sexist, and buys into the Wavecrest belief that women don't belong at sea: if women were as good as men they'd be Tya, right? Right.
Lim is employed out of a Tya guildhouse, where any ship can hire her skilled sword for enough jade, which is probably how she first came in contact with the circle. She also has a wife: Ahuia Lo, a 40 year old tavernkeeper in [City Convenient to Campaign]. The marriage is primarily a business arrangement to allow Ahuia to take over her former husband's courier business after his untimely death at sea. Lim agreed to it more as a way to get free beer when in port than out of love, and she's never quite gotten around to telling her wife about her exaltation..
Physical Description
Lim is tall and muscular, with dark bronze skin and purple-black dreadlocks. Her arms, chest, and face are covered in dense blue tribal tattoos, and her lips, nose, and eyebrow are pierced with silver rings. She dresses like a man -- which she is -- in rough wool trousers, supple leather boots, and a sleeveless leather vest, the better to display her tattoos. She has a sword on each hip, one short and mundane, one long and curved, both in plain black scabbards. She also often carries a short conical buckler on a strap at her waist.
First Age
Lim's previous incarnation was a famous wandering duelist named Laughter Upon Waking, a young solar born during the latter days of the First Age. He quickly made a name for himself as a dashing swordsman and freelance troublemaker, upsetting the plans of many of the more mighty members of the Deliberative before quickly running away to start a new piece of mischief. Ironically, he was one of the last holdouts to die in the Usurpation, when the Dragonblooded finally seized control of the Deliberative Navy and sank his ship, Last Argument of God-Kings.
Sapphire Song is Lim's reaper daiklave, and a holdover from her last incarnation. This one handed sword is four and a half feet long, with a shallow, S-shaped blade reminiscent of a yataghan, a rounded finger-guard of enameled steel, and a curved dueling hilt shaped from a single piece of living blue coral. The blade itself contains veins of crushed blue coral, worked through the folded golden metal to provide a blue and gold rippling effect that echoes the sight of the sun glinting off water.
Combat Block
Personal Essence: 17
Peripheral Essence: 31/38 (7 committed)
WP: 8
Join Battle: 7
Dodge DV: 5
Parry DV: 7 (8 w/Shield)
Move/Dash/Jump: 5/11/14/7
"Sapphire Song" Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave: Speed 4 Acc 17 Damage 8L Def 7 Rate 4
Soak B/L/A: 7/8/7, Hardness 3/3 (Orichalcum Chain Shirt)
HL: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/incap
Join Debate: 7
Dodge MDV: 7
App: 5
Lim can....
- Parry anything
- Attack with a flurry of blows without lowering her defenses
- Kill 5 men with a single cut
- Scatter an angry mob with a single word
- Dance so beautifully that you can't look away, or lead a crowd to riot using only physical gestures