Let The Galaxy Burn Warband
Undivided (27)
Cassiel (14)
- Champion
- Leartes (power sword, combi-bolter, plasma pistol and grenades)
- Tactical
- 4 with bolters, bolt pistols, chainswords and limited grenades.
- 2 with bolters, bolt pistols, combat knives and Operate (Aeronautica)
- 1 with flamer, combat knife and bolt pistol
- Havoc
- 1 with autocannon, bolt pistol and combat knife
- Bikers
- 5 with bolt pistols and chainswords
Ezekiel (10)
- Chosen
- 1 with autocannon, bolt pistol and combat knife
- Tactical
- 3 with bolters, bolt pistols, chainswords and limited grenades.
- 2 with bolters, bolt pistols, combat knives and Operate (Aeronautica)
- 1 with flamer, combat knife and bolt pistol
- Havocs
- 2 with heavy-bolters, bolt pistols and combat knives
- 1 with missile launcher, bolt pistol and combat knife
Mechul (3)
- Sorcerer
- 1 with force sword and bolt pistol, PR 3 (Doombolt, Personal Augury, Glimpse, Thought Sending)
- Tactical
- 1 with bolter, bolt pistol, chainsword and limited grenades.
- 1 with meltagun, combat knife and bolt pistol
Slaanesh (10)
Paimon (10)
- Champion
- Kalybos (doom siren, bolt pistol and power axe, Chaos Organ (Slaanesh))
- Tactical
- 6 with boltguns, bolt pistols, chainswords and limited grenades
- Havocs
- 2 with sonic blasters, bolt pistols and combat knives
- Sorcerer
- 1 with force staff and bolt pistol, PR2 (Thought Sending, Delude, Compel, Inspire), Navigate (Warp) +10
Tzeentch (7)
Kimaris (4)
- Tactical
- 2 with bolters, combat knives and grenades.
- Sorcerers
- 1 with force staff and bolt pistol, PR 3 (Mind Over Matter, Force Bolt, Telekinetic Shield)
- 1 with force sword and bolt pistol, PR 3 (Precognition, Personal Augury, Thought Sending, Mind Probe)
Iakir (3)
- Chosen
- 1 with plasmagun and combat knife
- Tactical
- 2 with bolters, combat knives and grenades.
Khorne (4)
Rutilus (4)
- Forsaken
- 1 with chainaxe, chainsword, bolter, bolt pistol and grenades
- Raptors
- 3 with chainaxes and bolt pistols.
Nurgle (4)
Gallus (4)
- Sorcerer
- 1 with force scythe and bolt pistol, PR 2 (Choir of Poxes, Rain of Foulness, Mind over Matter), Baleful Dirge
- Tactical
- 1 with daemon-eye bolter, bolt pistol, combat knife and special bolts
- Havocs
- 1 with missile launcher, bolt pistol and combat knife
- 1 with lascannon, bolt pistol and chainsword