She names herself Cihuacoatl; her subjects call her She-Whose-Cry-Announces-War; the rest of the world refers to her as "Warcry". But she was born Esperanza Juarez Guerrero, of father unknown, to Anunciación Juarez Guerrero, a young nurse who worked in rural cummunities of the Guatemalan hinterland. It was obvious from the day she was born that Esperanza was not like the other kids -- her pallid skin betrayed her Atlantean origin, though her mother took the secret to an early grave. Perhaps because of her status as a loner, Esperanza grew up to be at once fiercely self-reliant, and protective of those she perceives as underdogs.
Esperanza believes that the Space Gods returned to Earth, and one of them was her father. She claims to be the avatar of a pre-Columbian war goddess, come back to free her people from their misery and oppression. Until recently, that made her sound insane, but she as she developed her super-powers, few people were interested in debating the issue. She used her powers to carve herself some territory in the Guatemalan mountains, and instituted a sort of benevolent autocracy. Though she is megalomaniac, she is fair to those she takes under her protection.
When the aliens arrived, the idea of Space Gods was suddenly not so outlandish anymore. Esperanza, or rather Cihuacoatl, had little love for her unknown father as it was; now she feels her destiny is to wrest the Star Khan and Grue's powers from their greedy hands and be her people's champion. And perhaps "her" people is all of Earth's? For now, she is willing to work with "THE BAND OF STEEL" -- DR. STEEL, MADAM SHADE, BONEYARD, CARNIVORE, NOISE, then WHIPLASH and "Man'O War"... A new pantheon.
aka. ???
M&M2e Stats
PL: 10 (150 pp)
Physical Appearance
Heroic Motivations
(Seeks Justice, Seeks Thrills, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, etc)
(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)
History & Heroic Origin
Battle Tactics
3x3 NPCs
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