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Revision as of 07:12, 25 January 2012 by Seekerofshadowlight (talk | contribs) (Talents)
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Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Roland Seekerofshadowlight Arch-Militant unknown 2 8000
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Forge world False-man Crusade Hand of war Pride none
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
45 51 49 41 42 37 39 38 33 12 3 10 0


Untrained Basic skills

   Common Lore (Tech) (Int) : 18
   Common Lore (Machine Cult) (Int) : 18

Trained skills

   Common Lore (War)(Int): 37
   Dodge (Ag)(+10): 52
   Intimidate (S): 49
   Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) (Int): 37
   Secret Tongue (Military) (Int): 37
   Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int): 37
   Awareness (per): 39
   Common Lore (Imperial Guard)(Int): 37
   Forbidden Lore (Pirates) (Int): 37
   Literacy (int): 37
   Medicae (Int): 37


  • Name of Talent
    • Flavor Text of Talent
  • Technical Knock: May un-jam a gun as a half action 1/round
  • Stranger to the Cult: Take a –10 on Tests involving knowledge of the Imperial Creed and a -5 on Fellowship Tests to interact with members of the Ecclesiarchy in formal settings.
  • Ambidextrous: Does not suffer the –20 for actions using off hand.With Two-Weapon Wielder making attacks with both weapons in the same Turn dis just –10.
  • Autosanguine: When applying healing,always counts as lightly wounded, and heals 2 Damage/day.
  • Chem-Geld Talents:Seduction attempts against always fail, and Charm is one level more difficult
  • Meditation: 10 uninterrupted mins and a will test removes one level of fatigue.
  • Leap Up: Stand as a free action
  • Hated(Pirates):+10 to all weapon skill tests vs. Pirates.
  • The Face of the Enemy: Will never willingly have dealings with Pirates except under the Dire need suffer –10 to all Fel Tests in those dealings. Also, if given the slightest

provocation, you will react violently towards them.

  • Basic Weapon Training (Universal):
  • Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
  • Melee Weapon Training (Universal):
  • Thrown Weapon Training (Universal):
  • Sound Constitution:+1 wound
  • Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic): May attack with two weapons as a full action
  • Rapid Reload: Reload in Half the time
  • True Grit: Half Crit damage
  • Sprint: move 4 extra meters with a Full Move Action, while taking a Run Action he can double his move for 1 Round. He gains 1 level of fatigue if he uses it twice in a row
  • Bulging Biceps: Can fire heavy weapons without bracing
  • Iron Jaw: Successful toughness test allows him to ignore stun.


  • Trait Name - Trait Description

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
Weaponname Accuracyname Classname Rangename ROFname Damagename Nom De Plume Clip Name Reloadname Specialabilityname Weightname Rarityname
  • Initiative Bonus:
  • Movement:
  • Wounds:
  • TB:
  • Armor:
  • Dodge:
  • Parry:



  • Equipment name
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text


  • Weapon Name
    • Notes about weapon (upgrades, quirks, etc.)
    • Weapon Statline
      • Flavor text


  • Armor Name
    • Fun and exciting subsystems
    • Other notes
    • Power requirements, if any
    • Amount of AP provided
      • Flavor text

Force Field

  • Field Name
    • Field type
    • Protection Rating
    • Fails only on a (insert number here)
      • Flavor text

Other Equipment

  • Equipment name
    • Equipment type
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text

Experience Spent