Gilded Piety
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After the destruction of the old Ruelbach Fleet, 'Old Al' scraped together all that he could in the following decades to start over. A repurposed warship, the Gilded Piety was fitted out for fast, secret trade. Her spirit still longs for a fight, however. At times during the void run, her cogitators 'practice' calculating firing solutions on the passing detritus of the void.
Ship Name | Class | Speed | Detection | Maneuverability | Hull Integrity | Armor | Turret Rating | Weapon Capacity |
Gilded Piety | Meritech Shrike | 13 | +20 | +30 | 30 | 16 | 2 | 1xDorsal,1xProw |
Combat Stats
Weapon Name | Skill | Location | Class | Range | Crit Rating | Damage | Strength | Power | space |
Mars Pattern Macrocannons | Bs (+5 for Command Bridge, +5 for Martial Hubris, +5 for Shrike-Class cogitators) | Prow | Macrobattery | 6 | 5 | 1d10+2 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
Weapon Name | Skill | Location | Class | Range | Crit Rating | Damage | Strength | Power | space |
Mars Pattern Macrocannons | Bs (+5 for Command Bridge, +5 for Martial Hubris, +5 for Shrike-Class cogitators) | Dorsal | Macrobattery | 6 | 5 | 1d10+2 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
- Initiative 1d10+2
- Current Hull integrity: 30
- Crew skill level: Competant (30)
- Supplies: Full
- Morale: 98%
- Crew:' 100%
- Name Martial Hubris
- Effect +5 BS for weapons, -15 to Piloting tests made to escape combat
- Name Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Effect Three components are hidden/disguised from all but a thorough internal inspection. (these are the Viperdrive Engine, Empyrean Mantle, and Evacuation Bay)
- Essentials
- Drive: Segrazian 'Viperdrive' (disguised by WiSC)
- Warp Engine: Markov-1 Warp Drive
- Geller field: Mezoa Gellar-Void Integrant
- Shield: Mezoa Gellar-Void Integrant
- Bridge: Command Bridge
- Life Sustainer: Euphoric Life Sustainer
- Crew Quarters: Slave Quarters
- Auger Array: W-240 Passive Detection Array
- Non-Essentials
- Component: Auto Temple, Empyrean Mantle (hidden by WiSC), Evacuation Bay (Hidden by WiSC), Broadband Hymn-Casters
Ship Roles
- First Officer: None Npc= No benefit
- Enginseer Prime: Magos Hoyt Beleron, Npc= No benefit
- High Factotum: None/NPC = No benefit
- Master of arms: Ash Nickto, NPC (currently)= No Benefit
- Master Helmsmen: Robyn Leftjack,+10 bonus to Evasive Manoeuvres action
- Master of Ordnance: None Npc= No benefit
- Master of Etherics: None Npc= No benefit
- Chief Chirurgeon: Torin Krinith, +10 Triage Extended Action
- Master of whispers: Macharius Salazar, Npc= No benefit
- Choir-master Telepathica: Xanatov, Increases the range of Astropathic signals by one step
- Navigator Primaris: Victrix na Xan'tai, Npc= No benefit
- Ship’s Confessor; None Npc= No benefit
- Drive master: Stiehr 116-Delta, Npc= No benefit
- Omnissianic Congregator: None Npc= No benefit
- Chief Bosun: None Npc= No benefit
- Infernus Master: None Npc= No benefit
- Twistcatcher: None Npc= No benefit
- Master of the Vox: None Npc= No benefit
- Purser: None Npc= No benefit
- Carto-artifex: None Npc= No benefit
- Ships Steward: None Npc= No benefit
Gottfried Leibniz is one of the greatest SOCRATICS bascuee he challanges everyday "common sense" notions of causality and of life. Significantly, Kant teaches us in the Introduction to his "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics" that "common sense" is a meaningless answer to the puzzling arguments of David Hume. Rather, one must approach such puzzles in terms of "justified true belief theory." The perspectives and conclusions of Leibniz constantly challenges the taken-for-granted justified true beliefs which prevent one from thinking creatively. Leibniz and Schopenhauer have the most unique metaphysical systems, in my opinion. According to David Dilworth in "Philosophy in World Perspective" (1989), [The four-by-four matrix composed by Dilworth has four hermeneutical variables in the horizontal plane. They correspond to Aristotle's Four Causes. In the vertical plane are the four "core" ancient Greek philosophical "profiles": the school of Aristotle, Plato, Democritus, and the Sophists.] Schopenhauer has the most unique concatenation of four hermeneutical variables in the history of philosophy. Dilworth describes Leibniz as an "atomistic Platonist," or a "Platonic Democritean." Leibniz somehow finds the elusive "middle terms" (sensus de communis) between these contradictory philosophical approaches! He thereby Socratically leads such everyday folk as myself to search for the wonders found in [...] Was this answer helpful?