Mass Effect Transcendence/Our People

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This page details the people working for Penumbra Securities in various capacities, whether supporting the operation remotely or serving aboard the MSV Scalpel.

The Crew of the MSV Scalpel

Penumbra's flagship, the MSV Scalpel is only able to operate because of the skill and professionalism of its crew. Those people are as follows:

Executive Officer - Romnus Kyrik - formerly a Captain in the turian military,

Chief Helmsman - Jennifer "Jinx" Park - a former Systems Alliance Flight Lieutenant, Park has an impressive service record. She was involved in several major engagements of recent years, including the Skyllian Blitz, the Theshaca Raids, the operation on Torfan and the Battle of the Citadel.

Requisitions Officer -

Tactical Operations/Pilot -

Tactical Operations/Pilot -

Sensor Operations/Pilot -

Engineer -

Engineer -

Engineer/Medical Orderly -

Support Staff

Penumbra isn't just a vessel and crew, there are people operating behind the scenes to ensure the company functions smoothly.

Accountant/Auditor: Penumbra retains the services of Serrice Financial Advisory Services (Accounting and Audit Division). Penumbra's annual accounts are available upon request and our Citadel Unified Stock Exchange abbreviation is PENU-014.

Legal Counsel: Penumbra retains the services of Tyrol, Chase and Marok Associates, a salarian law firm registered on Sur'Kesh and with offices on the Citadel and all the major worlds in Council space.

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