Name: Sesus Nevem
Concept: Black Sheep of House Sesus/Sorcerer
Motivation: To impress even the Scarlet Empress with a great secret/feat of sorcery
I like my friends. They can count on me.
I'm tired of Sesus and their incessant nagging.
Rayne may be over me, but I'm not sure I'm over her.
Virtue: Conviction Flaw: Heart of Flint
Languages: Flametongue, High Realm (Native), Low Realm, Seatongue
Permanent Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 6
PDV: 2
MDV: 4
Soak: 1 (+1 when wearing armour) (+1 when wearing Divine Robes)
Exaltation: Dragon-Blooded Aspect: Water
Traits: Air 5, Earth 3, Fire 2, Water 5, Wood 1
Specialties: Occult 5, Investigation 6
Charms: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Occult (Excellent, Paced), Martial Arts (Multiple, Excellent), Investigation (Excellent)
Fighting Style: Terrestrial Hero Form
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Artifact 1, Artifact 2, Contacts 1
Allies: Cynis Rayne, cousin through the Denerid line of House Sesus, ex-lover and a major player in the local Dragon-Blooded scene (Rank: 3, Magnitude: 3)
i) Dragon Tear Tiara (Artifact 1) Must spend one mote to activate for a scene. (-1 pt.) Awareness Rolls +1 (2 pts.) Astrology, Detect Spirits, Geomancy Rolls +1 (1 pt.)
ii) Divine Robes (Artifact 2) Must spend one mote to activate for a scene. (-1 pt.) [Just for the bonus stunt die power. The other two qualities are inherent and "always on."] Never restrains the movement of its wearer. (1 pt.) Adds a bonus Stunt Die to Martial Arts attack rolls. (2 pts.) Provides one point of Soak. (2 pts.)
i) An Exalted sorceress based in Chiaroscuro with whom Nevem has traded texts and theories before and who both owes and is owed favors (Major Contact, Field of Interest: Occult, Location: Chiaroscuro, but her Reach extends through the South-East)
Light Armor (Chain Shirt - Soak+1)
Health Levels: -0 -1 -1 -3 -3 Taken Out
Anima Effect: One mote allows the Exalt to move freely in or on water and provides Water Immunity (drowning) for a scene
Anima Flux: At 5+ mote expenditure, a damaging elemental nimbus forms causing 1 Wound/Turn to others at touch range.
Endowment: Harmonize anima with up to (Essence/2) other Terrestrial allies, allowing the use of their personal Charms. (1E/Scene)
XP Spent: 5 (to take Air from 4 to 5)