The Vorpal Sword Went Snicker Snack Avarice
The woman now known as Lady Avarice was once simply called Trix, born to an underhive gang boss on a benighted backwater of a planet. After taking over her father's gang at the ripe age of 14, she went on to insinuate herself into the Cold Trade and the worst, most dangerous edge of chartist smuggling. Over the course of several decades, Avarice fought and clawed her way up through the Eventide Syndicate, earning a reputation as a vicious and ruthless criminal willing to do whatever she has to do to succeed. By the time Cecile decided to take a less active leadership role in the Syndicate, Avarice was the most qualified candidate to pick up the burden of overseeing the thousand unpleasantries that make up the day-to-day grind of her criminal empire.
As for her name, Avarice acquired her title as a bribe from the governor of an utterly corrupt planet, and though she is anything but a lady it amuses her to keep the honorific in her official title. In less formal situations, her underlings and associates sometimes call her the Red Widow; Avarice has been married three times, but each union ended prematurely and under suspicious circumstances. Her reputation is dark, littered with the corpses of hundreds who thought to cross her- a thought that keeps her quite warm at night.