Zenalbia the Righteous
A character for ACKS Versus Caverns of Thracia

Zenalbia the Righteous, Catechist
- Cleric 1, Lawful
- XP: 0 / 1500
- STR: 9
- INT: 11
- WIS: 18 (+3)
- DEX: 11
- CON: 11
- CHA: 12
+10% to XP due to prime requisite ability score
- HP: ? / ?
- AC: 5
- Initiative: +0
- Attack Throw: 11+
- Movement (encumbrance 7 stone)
- Base: 90'/turn
- Combat: 30'/rnd
- Charge: 90'/rnd
- Daily: 18 mi/day
- Saving Throws (not including +3 bonus to saves based on Wisdom)
- Petrification & Paralysis: 13+
- Poison & Death: 10+
- Blast & Breath: 16+
- Staffs & Wands: 10+ (includes WIS bonus)
- Spells: 12+ (includes WIS bonus)
- Weapons & Attacks
- longsword 1d6/1d8
- longbow 1d6
- Languages: Common
- Proficiencies:
- Adventuring
- Laying On Hands (Heal 2 HP/level once a day)
- Righteous Turning (Wisdom bonus added to turning throw plus the number of HD turned)
- Class Abilities: Cleric
- 1st level: turn undead
- Weapons: longsword, longbow
- Armor: banded plate armor, wooden shield
- Backpack: 2 gp
- 2 wks iron rations: 12 gp
- Waterskin: 6 sp
- 6 torches: 1 sp
- Flint/steel: 8 sp
- holy symbol
- holy book
- priestess' cassock
- holy water (1 pint)
- quiver (20 arrows)
- Funds: 1 gold
- Total Stones of Encumbrance:
- First Level Spells Per Day:
- N/A
- Second Level Spells Per Day:
- N/A